Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Monday, November 22, 2010

Happy Birthday Mom!

Happy Birthday to the best Momma in the world! I just wanted to take a minute to let everyone know how amazing my Mom is. Mom, you are the strongest and bravest woman I know and the best Grammie EVER! You are also so hardworking and determined! I am so proud of you about finishing your degree. Only a few more weeks until you graduate! Horray!!! I look up to you so much Mom and feel so blessed to have you. Thanks for everything that you have done for everyone. Especially taking care of Dad. You are such a loving wife and I know he is so thankful for you. I hope that you have an absolutely wonderful day today! I wish that I could be there to celebrate with you. Take some time to do something fun! Oh and little Callie wanted to tell you happy birthday too!! She misses you so much and can't wait to see you at Christmas!! All three of us love you and wish you the happiest of birthdays! Love you Momma!

It is very difficult to get a 5 month old to hold a peice of paper still... hah

Callie thought it was hilarious! Yay! We got a good one! :)

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