Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween and Callie's 4 month appointment!

Callie had a wonderful first Halloween! She is still too young for candy so Mommy and Daddy got her some new toys and books! Of course we didn't want Chile to feel left out so we got him a bone and some treats! He was a happy camper! We had a few trick-or-treaters, but after 7 we turned off our light so that Callie could go to sleep! I think that she is the cutest little lady bug ever! Here are some Halloween pictures of my sweet little girl and sweet little boy (Chile) :).

Callie with her Halloween loot!

Sweet little lady!

Such a happy girl! Callie loves her Daddy! And I think her Daddy loves her too!!! :) Callie and Mommy on Halloween! Is that for ME? Chile just can't wait to get a hold of that! Happy Halloween from Chile!
Today Callie had her 4 month check up! It was kind of late, but the doctor that I like is really hard to get! So we were a few weeks behind! Luckily we already did her 4 month shots, so it was a nice doctors visit! Here are Callie's 4 month stats: She weighs in at 15 lbs and 7 oz which puts her in the 76th percentile for her age, she is 26 inches long which puts her in the 92nd percentile for her age... (yes you read that correctly... my baby, is taller than 92% of other babies her age...)! When the doctor told me that I just started laughing! I said look at me, how can she be in the 92nd percentile! She said, it looks like you're going to have a tall little girl! She said that it could change, but usually when they are that high up there, they don't turn out to be short. Crazy.... Anyway, her head measurement was 41 cm and that puts her in the 39th percentile. Her head circumference percentile was consistent with her 2 month appointment, but her length went up 14 percentage points and her weight went up 18 percentage points! The doctor was very happy with Callie's growth and development. She also felt of Callie's gums and said that she felt the bottom two teeth under her gums. The top two teeth were not ready yet, but she said that the bottom teeth could start coming through at any time! Yikes! Praise God that she is healthy and growing strong. I love my little baby girl so much! Here are a few pics from the doctor's visit while we were waiting on the doctor! Have a great week!!
Waiting patiently.... Chewing on her rattle that Aunt Amanda gave her! :)

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