Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Trip To Texas

Callie and I have really enjoyed our trip so far! Callie did great on the plane ride here, so I was very excited about that. Pray and keep your fingers crossed that it goes as well on the way back! :) Callie has met more people than she had previously seen in her whole life! Callie has met her Aunt Lindsay (Matt's sister) for the first time. They loved each other! Callie also got to meet her Great Granny and Great PaPa, her Great MeMaw and Great PaPa, and her Great Grandma and Great Grandpa! They all had such a great time. I thought it was pretty cool that she got to meet so many of her family members all in one weekend. I also took Callie over to Monday Night Football in my parents neighborhood so that everyone there could see her. She also met her Great Aunt Blynda and Great Uncle Doug. Even her 2nd cousin Jordan came down from Tyler to see her. I told Jordan he can be an "Uncle" to her. :) Debbie took Monday off so that Callie and I could go over there for the day. We had such a great time, and I think Debbie loved spending the day with Callie! I cant even begin to list all of the people that she has met over the past week. That little girl has not been put down once (except for her little naps)! Callie has been adjusting so well to this new environment. She is sleeping like a champ at night just like she does at home. I'm so proud of her! Even though we are having a great time here, we are missing Daddy! It will be good so see him on Saturday. Well here are some pictures from the week so far! I'm sure there will be more!

Callie and her Great-Me-Maw! (My Mom's mom)

Callie and Mommy :)

Great-Pa-Pa, Mom, me and Callie. 4 generations. Great-Me-Maw, Mom, me and Callie. 4 generations again! Callie with her Mommy and Grammie!

This is my parents dog Champ! He's so cute! Callie putting her feet in the grass for the first time! :) Grammie and Callie. SOOO sweet!!! Callie and her PaPaw. They love each other so much!

Meeting Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Speed!

Callie and her Great Grandma. Callie loves her Grandpa! :) Meeting Aunt Lindsay for the first time!
Aw! How sweet!

Lindsay and Callie again!

Callie and her new puppy friend Doodle! How sweet! Sweet sleeping baby!
Gig Em!

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