Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Callie's Exersaucer!

Well, I was lucky enough to have a friend in the area who has an exersaucer that she used for her daughter and offered to let me borrow it! Yay! Matt and I put it together and let Callie give it a try. She is still pretty small for it, but we just put some blankets around her to help keep her steady. But she keeps her head up pretty well in it so that is good! She really likes the little frog for some reason. I just watched her stare at it for about 15 minutes. I thought that was too funny. She preferred the frog over the light up piano keyboard that plays music. Funny how sometimes kids just like the simple toys! I remember the babies in the daycares I worked at were the same way. They preferred the old school toys to the fancy light up ones. Another first for Callie happened today. She actually took a nap on the floor, and not in her swing. Callie loves her swing, and refuses to sleep anywhere else during the day. But for some reason today she changed her mind! I was happy about that, but just to be safe I am still going to borrow a swing from our good friends Phil and Michelle when we come to Texas for a visit. I'm not sure that she would be very happy without it! I know I go crazy with posting Callie pictures, but I just cant resist! I also caught her holding her head up during tummy time! She is getting better and better with holding her head up while on her tummy, but she still just lays her head down most of the time! Hope you enjoy the pictures of sweet Callie!
Callie and Mommy!

Look how cute she is in her little ballerina pj's! Here is the picture I got with her holding her head up!

Sleeping on the floor! All tuckered out!
Sweet little girl, napping in her swing. :) All smiles!

Just relaxin'.

Aerial view!
Callie with her daddy.

Here she is, staring at the frog!

She hit it with her hand and then she was really interested!
She really likes it!
Again, with the frog!

1 comment:

  1. Yeah, that little girl totally looks like Mommy, sans the "I'm Irish" red hair :)
