Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Texas Trip Again!

Well, we took some more pictures today so I just had to post them! Callie and I are enjoying the beautiful weather today. She is currently swinging in her swing on my parents' front porch. She and her PaPaw are both taking naps outside! I'm just sitting out here supervising! haha. Well here are some new pictures that I took today. My baby is growing up so fast! Loving every minute of it though. :)

Callie and her Great-Papa. Aren't they sweet?

I think Callie's Great-Granny is quite proud! :) Aw! What a great picture of all three of them!!
I caught a picture of Great-Granny talking to Callie!
Callie enjoying some time on the floor (she hasn't had much the last few days)! :) Poor thing, she just doesn't get enough attention! haha
4 generations!
:) Love this one! Granny is laughing about something!
Callie sure does love her Great-Papa! What a priceless pic!


  1. I loved seeing so many people I love all together. What a wonder and blessed thing you've all had on this trip. An amazing photo record for Callie to enjoy for the rest of her life. It's pretty bizarre for me to realize that in the blink of an eye there were pictures of her grandfather Cliff as a baby with me at two and there were pictures of me holding you when you were about six months old and Uncle Buddy holding Adam who was about 13 months or so...and now we are sorta, kinda old and you are grown and there is baby Callie to continue on for our family. Even as tough as I am, I have to admit, I's bittersweet. I know it's corny, but you know, the whole circle of life thing! It seems like Your parents and I should be your age and you should be Callie's age....well, there you have it. Thanks, Erin, for turning out so well. I hope you can imagine how incredibly proud we all are of you! love, Aunt Pickle

  2. Oops I accidentally used Michaels account instead of mine! Sorry!

  3. Boy, I really loved the pics of Callie and Chile and you two, of course. Cannot believe that when Stephen and Dara married, that Erin was a little tyke. Love the pictures of all of you and Mt. pics were great. Halloween was fantastic. Wish she would have been here for the church fall festival at the community center across from our church. It is where they held the Hurley reunions, Erin and Matt. Love, Aunt Dana
