Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Texas Trip Again!

Well, we took some more pictures today so I just had to post them! Callie and I are enjoying the beautiful weather today. She is currently swinging in her swing on my parents' front porch. She and her PaPaw are both taking naps outside! I'm just sitting out here supervising! haha. Well here are some new pictures that I took today. My baby is growing up so fast! Loving every minute of it though. :)

Callie and her Great-Papa. Aren't they sweet?

I think Callie's Great-Granny is quite proud! :) Aw! What a great picture of all three of them!!
I caught a picture of Great-Granny talking to Callie!
Callie enjoying some time on the floor (she hasn't had much the last few days)! :) Poor thing, she just doesn't get enough attention! haha
4 generations!
:) Love this one! Granny is laughing about something!
Callie sure does love her Great-Papa! What a priceless pic!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Trip To Texas

Callie and I have really enjoyed our trip so far! Callie did great on the plane ride here, so I was very excited about that. Pray and keep your fingers crossed that it goes as well on the way back! :) Callie has met more people than she had previously seen in her whole life! Callie has met her Aunt Lindsay (Matt's sister) for the first time. They loved each other! Callie also got to meet her Great Granny and Great PaPa, her Great MeMaw and Great PaPa, and her Great Grandma and Great Grandpa! They all had such a great time. I thought it was pretty cool that she got to meet so many of her family members all in one weekend. I also took Callie over to Monday Night Football in my parents neighborhood so that everyone there could see her. She also met her Great Aunt Blynda and Great Uncle Doug. Even her 2nd cousin Jordan came down from Tyler to see her. I told Jordan he can be an "Uncle" to her. :) Debbie took Monday off so that Callie and I could go over there for the day. We had such a great time, and I think Debbie loved spending the day with Callie! I cant even begin to list all of the people that she has met over the past week. That little girl has not been put down once (except for her little naps)! Callie has been adjusting so well to this new environment. She is sleeping like a champ at night just like she does at home. I'm so proud of her! Even though we are having a great time here, we are missing Daddy! It will be good so see him on Saturday. Well here are some pictures from the week so far! I'm sure there will be more!

Callie and her Great-Me-Maw! (My Mom's mom)

Callie and Mommy :)

Great-Pa-Pa, Mom, me and Callie. 4 generations. Great-Me-Maw, Mom, me and Callie. 4 generations again! Callie with her Mommy and Grammie!

This is my parents dog Champ! He's so cute! Callie putting her feet in the grass for the first time! :) Grammie and Callie. SOOO sweet!!! Callie and her PaPaw. They love each other so much!

Meeting Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Speed!

Callie and her Great Grandma. Callie loves her Grandpa! :) Meeting Aunt Lindsay for the first time!
Aw! How sweet!

Lindsay and Callie again!

Callie and her new puppy friend Doodle! How sweet! Sweet sleeping baby!
Gig Em!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Callie's Exersaucer!

Well, I was lucky enough to have a friend in the area who has an exersaucer that she used for her daughter and offered to let me borrow it! Yay! Matt and I put it together and let Callie give it a try. She is still pretty small for it, but we just put some blankets around her to help keep her steady. But she keeps her head up pretty well in it so that is good! She really likes the little frog for some reason. I just watched her stare at it for about 15 minutes. I thought that was too funny. She preferred the frog over the light up piano keyboard that plays music. Funny how sometimes kids just like the simple toys! I remember the babies in the daycares I worked at were the same way. They preferred the old school toys to the fancy light up ones. Another first for Callie happened today. She actually took a nap on the floor, and not in her swing. Callie loves her swing, and refuses to sleep anywhere else during the day. But for some reason today she changed her mind! I was happy about that, but just to be safe I am still going to borrow a swing from our good friends Phil and Michelle when we come to Texas for a visit. I'm not sure that she would be very happy without it! I know I go crazy with posting Callie pictures, but I just cant resist! I also caught her holding her head up during tummy time! She is getting better and better with holding her head up while on her tummy, but she still just lays her head down most of the time! Hope you enjoy the pictures of sweet Callie!
Callie and Mommy!

Look how cute she is in her little ballerina pj's! Here is the picture I got with her holding her head up!

Sleeping on the floor! All tuckered out!
Sweet little girl, napping in her swing. :) All smiles!

Just relaxin'.

Aerial view!
Callie with her daddy.

Here she is, staring at the frog!

She hit it with her hand and then she was really interested!
She really likes it!
Again, with the frog!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

More Callie pics!

Well I cannot believe that Callie Michelle will be three months old on Wednesday! It really is crazy how quickly time is passing by! Slow down!! Before long she will be crawling and walking! Callie is still sleeping like a champ! Last night she slept for 9 hours straight! WOW! That was nice. The first two weeks after she was born I NEVER thought the day would come! haha! She is starting to make little giggle noises, which is fun! She doesn't do it all the time, but her smiles are getting really big these days! She also is really talking a lot more. She makes the cutest little baby noises, and just talks and talks. Instead of crying, now I wake up to cute little baby talk on the monitor. That is a very welcomed change! :) She is still working on lifting her head up while on her stomach. She can lift her head very well when not on her stomach... but she still isn't a big fan of "tummy time". Yesterday I put her on her tummy and she just laid her head down and put her fingers in her mouth. She was content just laying there!! Lazy thing! Haha! But I know she'll get there soon enough! We are SOOO excited about visiting Keller in a few weeks! I know that Callie cant wait to meet all of her great grandparents, as well as her Aunt Lindsay (Matt's sister). Well here are some pictures I took of her yesterday! Hope that you enjoy them! Love to you all!

Look at that surprised face! Still has blue eyes!

Poor Chile was feeling left out... this was the result! :)
She loves sitting up so much!
This picture is a little bright, but too cute!

Look how big I am?! She is just about growing out of her 3 month clothes! :)

Friday, September 3, 2010

Little Miss Callie 2 1/2 months!

I know I'll be in trouble if I don't post some new Callie pictures so I'll do that too. Callie has been doing really well. She is growing like a weed I cant believe it. She is sleeping really well at night now, which is a great relief. (I know, I shouldn't have said anything... but at least I knocked on wood!) She has been consistently sleeping for at least 6-8 hour stretches at night! Yea!!!! Go Callie!! She is such a joy. She is starting to hold her head up when she's on her tummy. Speaking of tummy, she is finally enjoying tummy time for about 15 minutes at a time! Matt and I have also noticed that her hand movements are starting to get more coordinated. She smiles at us all the time now and its absolutely wonderful. She is also really starting to make some cute little noises. It's crazy how quickly she's growing up! We will be coming to Texas for a visit from September 21st- October 2nd! I hope Callie does well on the plane! Cant wait to see everyone! Love to you all and enjoy the pictures!! Erin

Here is little Miss Callie looking at herself in the sun mirror!

I love how you can see her face in this one!

Just playing!

Callie loves to "sit up" with the help of pillows! :)

My precious little girl, happy as can be!

Practicing holding her rattle!

Making some noise!

She is getting so big! We love her sooo much!