Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

June already!?

Well... it looks like May got away from me without a single blog post... opps!  I guess we have just been busy... running after an almost 2 year old! Yikes... how can it be true that she's almost 2!!!?  She is such a big girl now.  She talks in sentences regularly and is very smart.  She knows her colors, (pink, red, purple, green, yellow, orange and blue), she can count to about 14 or fifteen then needs help to get to 20!  She also recently learned to count to 5 in Spanish!  She can sing her ABC's and recognize all letters and sounds!  (I think its so crazy!!)  We don't work on it very much at all, but her memory is awesome.  Even though I'm jealous of her memory, it will help her in school!  Callie is really starting to enjoy playing with others.  (Well... more like playing alongside others)... :).  She gets really excited when we have a play date or go to church.  We have also been working on potty training a little bit.  She has successfully gone potty 3 or 4 times now!  She still has a ways to go, but hey, its a start!  Callie's favorite activities include going to the park (especially the splash pad now that its open), coloring, playing with "donimoes" haha, and she also really likes TV.  She does not like that TV time is limited however.  Now that its getting so hot outside I'm going to have to be more creative with things to do during the day.  Callie always thinks that TV is a good idea.. hahaha!  She can actually sit and watch parts of Disney movies now.  She really likes Cinderella a lot!  I like it too so that's fun.  Callie loves to be dramatic.  She says, "Callie is really, really sad" several times a day.  Haha... it sounds mean that I laugh, but she says this and then a minute later is playing and laughing.  I think she is just learning about how to express emotion and what the different emotions are.  It cracks us up though because she looks very, very convincing... and then she'll giggle.  What a stinker! :)  Also, Callie is starting to rebel against bows!!! NOOOO!! Haha!  She takes them out if we are home (as you can tell from the pictures) but at least she keeps them in when we're out!  Some of her hair isn't quite long enough to stay behind her ears, so this leads to hair in the face. :(
Callie had a great time with her Aunt Lindsey and Uncle Ryan when they came to visit.  Ill have to dig up some pictures, or get them from Lindsey and post them.  She had a blast!  Callie's Grandma and Papa are coming in June and she is looking forward to that!  They will be here the week of her birthday!  I'm sure she wont be spoiled too much right?? Haha!  I am going to make an effort to take more pictures and update more frequently since I've been slacking off! Well have a great rest of the week!

 Doesn't she look so much older here?
 Callie playing with her barn!
 Ohh... that's a friendly look... haha.
 Drama Mama at her best.  She barely bumped her head!
 Callie loves to play with our Mexican Dominoes Set.  She calls them "donimoes".
 Callie eating a snack.  (this also means that Chile is eating a snack...)
 Callie sharing with Chile.
 Such a big girlie!!!
 Cute pic of Chile.  He is focused on stealing Callie's snack in this pic.
 Happy girl!
 Eating breakfast!  Enough with the flash mom!
 She's looking down at Chile, who is hoping she drops something...
 She's thinking, "if I could just figure out how to turn this TV on myself"!
 Eating lunch like such a big girl in her booster seat.
More lunch!

Here is a video of Callie eating lunch today! Enjoy!!!

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