Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Callie's Play Kitchen!!

Well, it was a close call, but the kitchen was done in time for Miss Callie's Birthday!  It turned out great I think!  She loves playing with it already and I know that it will give her years of fun.  Matt really spent a lot of time on this and I know Callie appreciates it!  And so do I!  Now I get to play with this kitchen too! :)  Here are some pictures!

And her reaction....

More 2nd Birthday Party pics to come! :)

1 comment:

  1. The kitchen is amazing!! I bet Callie is having so much fun with it! Any chance we can hire Matt to make us one? Haha Can't wait to see more of her birthday! Miss you.
