Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Monday, April 9, 2012


Happy late Easter everyone! I hope everyone had a great day with friends and family celebrating our Lord. We sure did! God blessed us with a beautiful sunny day and an unexpected day off for Matt! We went to church and then came home and had lunch with our dearest friends. Callie was a big fan of Easter. She couldn't really grasp its meaning but she sure learned how to say "Happy Easter" to everyone she saw. It was really sweet. She really enjoyed hunting for eggs. We just showed her what to do with the first one and then she took off! It was so much fun to watch. I am so thankful that God loves us so much that he sent his son into this world to die for our sins and then conquer death! Just because he loves us. What a loving God! It just amazes me to think about that sacrifice. Well here are some pictures from yesterday. I hope you have blessed week!

I love this girlie soo much!

Callie may have been more interested in Dora than a picture with Mommy. She's a pro!
She really loved finding all the eggs!
Matt did a great job helping!
More egg hunting!
Testing out her new sidewalk chalk!
Callie was saying "egg"?
Callie's new bunny from Aunt Liesl and Uncle Chris!
Checking out her loot!
Yay for a group picture!
Family pic!
Close up!
This is one of my favorites! Love that sweetie!

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