Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Friday, March 25, 2011

We have a crawling baby!

Well, wouldn't you know that the same day that I posted last time, Callie started crawling. She just waited until after I had already updated her 9 month stuff! The same day that we got back from Texas she decided it was time to crawl! I knew she was close! Now she can crawl half way across the room! She is starting to get more interested in cords that are plugged into the walls... yikes! She still doesn't go too far though, which is nice, but wont last long! Now she is focusing on pulling up on things. She is really good at pulling herself up to her knees, but getting from her knees to her feet is difficult for her. She has managed to do it a couple of times... it was pretty scary though. I was right behind her in case she fell. Even though it looked like she was going to fall, she made it all the way up! It's hard to motivate her to try it. She can almost always reach whatever she wants as long as shes up on her knees! Now that Callie can crawl she is starting to show preference for toys. Of course they are not her toys. Poor Chile doesn't know what to think. He's not allowed to get her toys, but now all of a sudden she is going after his! It's funny to watch! Sometimes its not the toys that shes after, but little pieces of lint. Chile's toys are always falling apart and they leave little strings and fuzz balls. She loves to try to get those! Well I thought I would just give a quick update on Callie's crawling status! We are so proud of her and we LOVE watching her change and grow everyday! Enjoy the videos and pictures! Oh keep Chile in your prayers, he is having a minor surgical procedure done today. He has an abscess on his bottom, poor puppy!!! They are going to remove it and clean and drain it. And while he's under, hes having his teeth cleaned too! We will have him back tomorrow morning. Chile has never had any issues up until this past month or so. He's had trouble with his ears and now this! Hopefully he'll be as good as new and we can stay away from the vets office! Have a great weekend!!!! Erin

This is the day that Callie first crawled!!! :)

She can do a few things like waving just by me asking her to! I don't have to wave first anymore. It's so neat that she is understanding what I'm saying to her! Callie crawled over to her toys!

Chile loves his rope! He and Callie play tug of war now! Callie loves the confines of her pack and play!
More water on her shirt than in her mouth? Yes.
Having fun playing.

Sweet Chile!

My little sweetie. She looks all grown up!

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