Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My 9 Month Old Sweetie!

Today Callie Michelle is officially 9 months old! She's now spent 9 months in and 9 months out! To celebrate Callie's 9 month birthday, we got up at 3:30am to catch a 6:10 flight back home to Las Vegas. Needless to say, both Callie and Mommy are very, very tired. Callie was so good on the plane! I was so proud of her. She waved at people and smiled, didn't cry once (except when I changed her diaper)! I will say that it is getting a little more difficult to fly with her because she is so active. She wanted to get everything that she wasn't supposed to. She really wanted to get all of the magazines out of the seat, and she also was very annoyed with me when I had to put the tray back up when we landed. She almost figured out how to unlock it by herself haha. She has changed so much this past month, I can't even believe it! Here's what little Miss Callie can do at nine months old: - Sits up very well, and doesn't fall over anymore! - Says Mama and Dada. (Mostly Mama! ;) Alright Callie) - Can get on her hands and knees and rock back and forth. She is so close to crawling. I think she took a small crawl step today. She's got the arms down, but its the legs. Today she was able to move one leg forward without falling! Go Callie! - Can also get into the sitting position by herself. (This is a new one... I saw her do this twice for the first time today) -Callie has her bottom 2 teeth along with the one right next to it. She has not cut her top front teeth yet, but the ones next to her front teeth just came through. I looks like her front teeth will make an appearance soon! This teething thing is really getting in the way of sleep!! - She is talking all the time, and still smiles at just about anyone. - Waving continues to be her favorite past time. At Church the nursery pushed her in one of those 6 seat buggy strollers and they said that she waved at everyone/everything that she saw. They were calling her the "mother hen". Haha! - Callie can almost pull herself to a standing position. (She's really close!!) - She enjoys standing at her activity table for several seconds at a time without assistance. - Callie also got her first big girl toy while we were in Texas. Matt's Mom got her a little pink horse with wheels for her to ride. She sat on it great without assistance and was starting to get the hang of getting the horse to move! We will have to find something like that for home because she absolutely loved it! - Callie has also figured out all of her toys! She can easily figure out most toys that I put in front of her. - She likes to have screaming contests every now and then. When she is in a good mood she will squeal and if you do it back, she will do it louder! It's too cute, and I think she knows it! - Callie started eating Cheerios with much success! No more of the little puffs that I started her out on! Cheerios come in a bigger box, and they are cheaper! Horray! - She's a 20 pounder. All of her 9 month clothes are getting too tight, but mainly too short! So in the next few days I will be putting up her 9 month outfits and getting out the 12 month ones! - Callie enjoys sitting in high chairs at restaurants like a big girl! Well that pretty much sums it up! I'm sure there is more that I cant think of! I love you Callie and I'm one lucky Momma!

Callie and her Grammie before we left!

So sweet! Callie loves flowers! Mom looks so pretty in this pic! Love this girlie.
Check out those sweet leg rolls! :)

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