Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

9 month check up!

Callie finally had her 9 month well check up yesterday! They were really backed up, so we were a few weeks late getting her in. Everything went well at her appointment! The doctor said that it looks like she is eating well... haha, I wonder how she knew that?! Haha, her chubbiness is adorable and the doctor said that she was doing great and looked very healthy! Callie was in the 50th percentile for her weight (18 1/2 pounds), she was between 75-90% for length and 55% for her head circumference. Callie did not enjoy her doctor visit this time. I guess its that stranger anxiety thing. She protested through the whole thing! Callie is getting better and better at crawling. She is becoming more fearless, which is quite scary for me. She is brave enough to crawl on the hardwood floors and tries to get on the tile in the kitchen. I try to keep her off of that because she still falls on her face every once in a while. But overall she is a pretty good crawler now. Since my last post she has starting pulling herself up. It started out pretty slow, but then she just got it! Now that's all she wants to do. The girl has no fear of falling. She's not good enough to pull up on walls and doors, but she sure tries. I basically just follow her around all day so that she doesn't fall. I guess this is the age of bumps and bruises, and I hate that! Callie is starting to try new foods now too. She is eating shredded chicken, small pieces of veggies, pasta, fruit... the list goes on. She loves food and will eat just about anything that we are having. It's so crazy to me that I have a baby who is eating some table food! She's really growing up fast. I just love her so so much and I am really enjoying this cute stage! God has really blessed me with her. The best thing of all is that she gives kisses now. I absolutely love that!!!! (She even kisses her baby dolls!) I sure do love my little sweetie. Chile has fully recovered from his surgery and is doing great! I'm so glad that he doesn't have to wear that cone anymore! We recently got our backyard landscaped so Chile is outside enjoying the yard a lot! Callie likes it too! We put some synthetic grass back there so that she could have a place to play. I love that Spring is here and the weather is nice! Well I hope you enjoy the new pictures and have a great weekend!! Erin

Getting ready for bed!
Kisses for the baby!
More kisses for another baby! (I played with this doll when I was little!)
Chile's toys are much more fun!
Sweet, sweet kisses for Daddy!

Callie loves her new backyard!

Crawling crawling!
Callie just chillin in her pack-n-play! This is the back view...
This is the front.... hahahahah!
She is so proud that she can pull herself up! (Ok... I'm proud too!)

Callie and Chile playing tug of war!! haha

1 comment:

  1. I love the photo of her face smooshed against the pack n play! Too funny! When you guys come visit Nicky won't be able to get enough of Callie - he's always up for a round of tug of war! :)
