Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Callie is 10 months old!

Happy 10 month birthday to my sweet little Callie Michelle! Two more months and she'll be one! Yikes! Time is passing by really really fast already. I love my sweet girl so very much. She truly is a blessing from God and I am extremely thankful for her. Thank you Jesus for such a beautiful, sweet little girl. Callie's personality is really starting to show full force these days. It's amazing to watch her act like a little person! Callie is really observing everything around her and is becoming really interested in talking more. She is babbling all the time and continues to favor the word Mama! She is really starting to take everything in. She likes to point at kitty cats and the babies in the books. Just today she really started looking at all of the objects on each page and pointing to them. So we are working on learning the names of all of the pictures. I can really see the wheels turning and its so exciting to watch! Every now and then she will try to make a meow sound when she sees a cat. She has a book that has animal sounds and she loves imitating the sound of the cat and parrot. She also likes to repeat the moo sound. So much fun! Callie is just about an expert at crawling now. She loves to go into the kitchen and crawl and she also still really likes playing with the doggie door. Every time Chile goes in or out of the doggie door she crawls over there to see whats going on. She is still pulling up on everything that she can and prefers standing most of the time now. Sometimes when she is on the floor she acts like shes trying to stand up, which is funny because she is no where near ready to do that yet! She still needs something close by to hold on to. Her balance is improving more and more each day. I'm sure it wont be long before she is walking. Her desire for independence is also starting to show. She is starting to get quite agitated when things aren't going exactly how she wants.... oh dear, let the fun begin! Callie is a sweet little girl. She continues to kiss her baby dolls, Mommy and Daddy and even some of the characters in her books. I love it when she gives kisses on her own, without being asked for one! Its pure sweetness. I am honored to be Callie's Mommy and I can't wait to see what the Lord has is store for her life. Happy 10 months baby! Mommy and Daddy love you as big as the sky!
Haha.. this pic is a little scary... but she was sooo excited!
Callie and Mommy reading her favorite book!
Sweet kisses.
Can't forget about Chile!!
I included this pic because its one of the only ones I have where you can see her little fangs ha!
Callie LOVES bathtime!
Fun in the tub!!

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