Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

18 months! Really??!!

My sweet little baby is growing up so fast. No matter how old she is, she will always be my precious baby. Time continues to fly by, with no signs of slowing down. Well... I will say that when Callie decides to "wake up for the day" at 2am.... time seems a little slow. Haha, but other than that its going by way too fast.

My sweet baby is now a cute toddler, wanting more and more independence by the minute! Callie does not take well to things that are not according to her plan. Simply put, there are lots of tantrums in the Rowan household right now. The girl can scream. Slowly but surely we are learning how to use our words when situations are just soooooo frustrating. Her word of choice when something is awry is "uh-oh", and occasionally "help". I would say that little Miss Callie is still screaming the majority of the time as her first instinct, but with a helpful reminder she remembers that she can talk instead.

Speaking of talking, Callie is learning new words everyday! Its nearly impossible to keep track of them now. She did say a new word tonight though and it was so cute. She said bubble! I was reading to her before bed and the book had bubbles in it and she repeated what I said! Love it! Another cute thing that Callie says is "istuck" (which means its stuck or im stuck). She loves to purposefully get stuck in something just so that she can say that. I then tell her oh no, you're stuck? Well you better get out of there... and then she does, and claps for herself. Hahah!

At 18 months Callie Michelle:

~wears size 2T!! I can't believe it!!! ~ still has beautiful blue eyes with that light hair! (And more hair now yay!)

~ has over 30 words ~can identify 9 letters and 2 numbers

~loves to scream... (had to put that in there haha)
~sleeps very well most nights
~colors well without eating the crayons about half of the time...
~identifies a circle, triangle, star and square. ~loves to give hugs and kisses.
~has some pretty snazzy dance moves.
~loves Elmo and Dora.
~eats like a champ. Loves just about EVERYTHING...
~loves to pretend sleep and make an adorable snoring sound. ~almost never eats Chile's dog food anymore... (knock on wood)
~can crawl up and down the stairs with supervision of course!
~is very picky about her bedtime stories.
~learned the word no..... BOO!!!!
~is just the sweetest most beautiful daughter in the world!!!

I know I say it a lot, but I feel so blessed to be her Mommy. She is just so much fun. There is nothing sweeter than when she comes over to me gives me a hug and pats me on the back while saying "mama". Hope you enjoy a few pics of my sweetie! We will be going to see Santa tomorrow, so that should make for an interesting picture.... my guess is that she wont be happy, but who knows! Blessings to all and Merry Christmas!!!!


Callie didnt like Santa this year... poor thing. Its cute anyway! :)

After pictures with Santa back at the house! Much happier! :) Callie wearing Mommy's shoes! :)

Our Christmas Tree! Sweetie pie!
Callie and Daddy playing! So sweet!

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