Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Well we had a wonderful Thanksgiving this year! It was so awesome that everyone came here to celebrate the holiday. My mom, Memaw, and three uncles drove all the way from Texas! Yikes! But it was great because they got to stop and see the Grand Canyon, the Petrified Forrest, and also Hoover Dam! It was Memaw's first really long road trip outside of Oklahoma and Texas. Lindsey and Ryan also came to Vegas! It was so awesome that we were all together. We stayed pretty busy around here during their visit. We went to Mt. Charleston one morning, and then went down on the strip during the evening. It was a neat experience watching Memaw experience the Las Vegas night life. Haha! We went and saw the garden display at the Bellagio and then watched the water show. I always love watching that... and its free... even better! Matt and I had to leave the strip when it was close to Callie's bedtime, but they stayed down there for several more hours. The next day was Thanksgiving Day! We spent most of the day cooking, eating and watching football of course! The Cowboys got a win, but sadly the Aggies did not... boo! It was a great day and we all had such a good time together! Later on Thanksgiving Day, Mom, Memaw and my Uncles all went to a nearby casino. They all had a great time, but sadly nobody won big! The next day they started on their way back home. We were sad to see them go, but were so thankful that they were able to make it out here. It may have been a little crowded in the house, but I don't think anyone cared! We have so much to be thankful for, and it was great to be surrounded by family. I missed my Dad. A lot. But I just have to remind myself how thankful I am that he is restored, whole and in no pain. I like to think that he was looking down at us... well I guess he would be cracking jokes and laughing at us... haha. We sure missed him, and its definitely not the same without him, but I guess things can't always be the same. And even though its different, it was still good. Callie was spoiled rotten of course! She loved every minute of all of the attention that she got. My little sweetie loved having all of her family to play with. Callie was just running around all over the place this Thanksgiving. She is pretty much non stop these days. I wont lie, it was nice to have some reinforcements for a few days! Ha! My baby is growing up so fast. Its starting to make me a little sad that shes already a toddler! She is talking more and more each day. She has started saying please (more like "peas") and all done in the last few days. I should write it down when she says new words, but she is just copying so many things that its hard to keep track. Oh, another word she says is "help". This is the word that I encourage the most right now. I'm trying to replace her very loud, shrill scream, with a simple "help" when she is frustrated about something that she is trying to do. Haha! Can't blame me for trying! She's getting it though. I'm starting to her a little less screaming, and more words! Yay! Well I have been slacking on pictures lately, but I am charging my camera up tonight so that I can get some pictures of my sweet girl. Oh and Callie now wears a 2T in clothes. (Tear....) Makes me a little sad, but on the bright side the toddler section has many more options! :) I cant believe my baby is a toddler. It's going too fast. We are just so blessed to be her parents. Even when her sweet little tantrums aren't so sweet, I just cant help but think about how lucky I am to have her! God is soo good. I hope that you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and Ill post some new pictures soon!

What? A picture of us? haha. I love him!

Aw! Sisters! My child... eating a stick....
Mom, Memaw and the Uncles!
Poor Callie. She had lots of layers on and felt like a marshmallow... she kept toppling over haha!
Callie's first snow! :)

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