Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Summer Fun 2011

Well this is going to be a random post, but I wanted to post a few pictures from summer! Now that I have the laptop back I can post them. Callie and I had such a great summer, and she got to do so many fun things! During our Texas trip Callie was able to... ~go to ChuckECheese's twice! (Thanks Grandma!) Oh and now every time we see a "ride" at Walmart she screams with excitement... luckily she doesn't scream to ride it! ~ have a wonderful Birthday Party! Thanks again Grandma! ~ visit with lots of family members! She saw her Great Aunt Blynda, Great Uncle Doug, "Uncle" Jordan, her Great Great Aunt Dana, Great Great Uncle Buddy, Her Great MeMaw and so many others! ~ have the privilege of spending several afternoons with her Cousin Hannah. That was so much fun. ~take her first trip to the Rainforest Cafe! She absolutely LOVED it! We sat right next to the elephants and she had a ball! I just couldn't resist the urge to buy her an elephant stuffed animal after I saw how much she loved it! That was a very fun day with Grandma and Grandpa! ~ eat at a lot of Tex-Mex places... Haha... well that was more for Mommy but she liked it too! I miss the Mexican food in Texas, but its probably a good thing that there are not too many good options here! Callie got to do so much, but so did I! I am so thankful that I was able to meet up with some friends that I hadn't seen in soooo long. It was awesome to have grandparents for babysitters! I knew that when I went out that she was a great hands. Well enough of my rambling.. haha. Here are some cute pictures from our Texas visit! Have a great rest of the week and God Bless! Erin

Callie eating at the Rainforest Cafe!

Grandpa and Callie checking out the fish at Rainforest Cafe. This is Callie's spaghetti face... this picture leads to the next one.
Much better!
Callie and Grammie, sorting shapes of course!
Callie swimming at her party!
Callie is saying "Grandma this party is awesome"!
Yum! Cake!
My sweetie!
She is obviously excited about her new hat!
Playing at Grandma and Grandpa's!
Puzzle time with Grandma.
Callie with her Aunt Lindsey. Aw!
Sweet picture!
It's crazy how much she has grown since this picture!!!

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