Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Callie gets a chair!

Callie and I went shopping this morning and found her a chair that she can call her own. All she wants to do lately is climb on the couch, stand on the couch and laugh. Laugh because she knows she shouldn't do it. So I go over and take her off of the couch many times a day. So I figured it might be worth it to get Callie her own chair. She was so excited when we got home. She loved climbing it, and eventually she sat in it. We will see if she likes it as much as the big couch.... (I'm keeping my fingers crossed but not holding my breath...). She sure is getting big!
Oh here is a cute story. A few mornings ago I walked into her room to get her up and she was standing up in her crib, pointing to a picture of her Pap holding her when she was born and was saying "pop" (it sounded like a mix between Pap and Pop. It was precious! I know he's smiling down on her... and I'm sure he's a bit proud that she said his name first... haha! But Callie also attempted the word Grandpa today! It sounded like ampa with a major emphasis on the p sound. I cant believe it! Her vocabulary is really taking off. In the past week she has been saying Hi Mama, and Hi Dada! :) She also says up now! It's so much fun to hear her new words. Well here is a picture of Callie climbing into her new chair. These are the first pictures after I cut her bangs... she didn't want to hold very still, and i got them a bit short, but they will grow to the length I was going for in a week or so. Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week!

" I think I'll get in my chair this way"!

"Almost got it"! Silly girl.
Yep, already standing on it... but at least she sat down when I asked her to!
Callie loves her new big girl chair!

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