Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Where has the time gone?

I know, I know... it's been a really long time since I have updated the blog. So now I finally have the time to sit down and do it! Callie and I are back home safe and sound. We had a great time visiting Texas and I'm so glad we got to see so many of our friends and family. Callie was just about spoiled rotten! She had her second, first birthday party and got more attention and hugs than one could imagine. She loved every bit of it. Well Callie was already walking and taking a few steps before we left, but now she is all over the place. No more crawling for that little girl! She has pretty much mastered walking and tries to run some too. Most of the time that results in falling, which really frustrates her. Ha ha, but shes getting better and better everyday about that. It is so much fun to see the changes in her right now! She understands so much! You can ask her to point to lots of things and she knows what it is. It's crazy because some of the stuff that she knows I didn't purposefully teach her, but she just picked it up on her own! She loves to point to her nose, eyes, ears and teeth. She can also show her tongue! She will show your her fingers, toes, and hear as well. She's growing up so fast. Callie also has learned how to hold her hands for prayer before her meals and bedtime. It is precious! One thing that she loves to do right now is climb everything. She loves to climb on furniture... especially the couch. She has mastered getting up on the couch all by herself... if only she knew how to get down successfully.... The other day I caught her climbing on the bottom shelf of the entry table. She took her baby doll in there and just sat there. She knows that she shouldn't be up there so she usually gets down... but sometimes she just smiles a surprised smile and says "hi" in her cutest voice. Haha! Another source of entertainment for Callie is climbing into boxes. Even the really small ones that you wouldn't think that she could even fit into! Callie is just so much fun these days. She is happy most of the time and is learning how to entertain herself! She has really taken to her baby doll. She carries that thing around hugging and kissing it all day! It's a sweet thing to see and it always amazes me that even at a very young age girls have that God given nurturing side. She continues to babble a lot and make sounds that she hears. She has a few words at 14 months. She consistently says, Mama, Dada, hi, bye bye, and baby. Every now and then she will say doggy, kitty cat, more, and uh oh. I can tell that she is about to take off with her vocabulary! I can't wait to hear her talking more. Callie is just about to outgrow her 12 month clothes. They fit okay everywhere except the tummy and length. She is wearing a size 4 diaper now and currently has 12 teeth. Woo Hoo! Those pesky molars finally came through. I am so blessed to be Callie's Mommy and I am very thankful to have such wonderful family and friends to spoil her with love. I know it was hard for the grandparents to say goodbye, but we will see yall soon! Well that's all for now, and I dont have many pictures because they are all on Matt's computer but here are a few. Have a wonderful week and God Bless!

Callie blowing kisses while eating some grapes!

Callie LOVES grapes! Happy girl! She needs a haircut! We'll wait for Daddy!
Playing the piano already!
Holding her baby!
She is really proud of herself right here for getting up on the couch all by herself!
(Almost on the couch)!
My little walker!

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