Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Friday, March 25, 2011

We have a crawling baby!

Well, wouldn't you know that the same day that I posted last time, Callie started crawling. She just waited until after I had already updated her 9 month stuff! The same day that we got back from Texas she decided it was time to crawl! I knew she was close! Now she can crawl half way across the room! She is starting to get more interested in cords that are plugged into the walls... yikes! She still doesn't go too far though, which is nice, but wont last long! Now she is focusing on pulling up on things. She is really good at pulling herself up to her knees, but getting from her knees to her feet is difficult for her. She has managed to do it a couple of times... it was pretty scary though. I was right behind her in case she fell. Even though it looked like she was going to fall, she made it all the way up! It's hard to motivate her to try it. She can almost always reach whatever she wants as long as shes up on her knees! Now that Callie can crawl she is starting to show preference for toys. Of course they are not her toys. Poor Chile doesn't know what to think. He's not allowed to get her toys, but now all of a sudden she is going after his! It's funny to watch! Sometimes its not the toys that shes after, but little pieces of lint. Chile's toys are always falling apart and they leave little strings and fuzz balls. She loves to try to get those! Well I thought I would just give a quick update on Callie's crawling status! We are so proud of her and we LOVE watching her change and grow everyday! Enjoy the videos and pictures! Oh keep Chile in your prayers, he is having a minor surgical procedure done today. He has an abscess on his bottom, poor puppy!!! They are going to remove it and clean and drain it. And while he's under, hes having his teeth cleaned too! We will have him back tomorrow morning. Chile has never had any issues up until this past month or so. He's had trouble with his ears and now this! Hopefully he'll be as good as new and we can stay away from the vets office! Have a great weekend!!!! Erin

This is the day that Callie first crawled!!! :)

She can do a few things like waving just by me asking her to! I don't have to wave first anymore. It's so neat that she is understanding what I'm saying to her! Callie crawled over to her toys!

Chile loves his rope! He and Callie play tug of war now! Callie loves the confines of her pack and play!
More water on her shirt than in her mouth? Yes.
Having fun playing.

Sweet Chile!

My little sweetie. She looks all grown up!

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

My 9 Month Old Sweetie!

Today Callie Michelle is officially 9 months old! She's now spent 9 months in and 9 months out! To celebrate Callie's 9 month birthday, we got up at 3:30am to catch a 6:10 flight back home to Las Vegas. Needless to say, both Callie and Mommy are very, very tired. Callie was so good on the plane! I was so proud of her. She waved at people and smiled, didn't cry once (except when I changed her diaper)! I will say that it is getting a little more difficult to fly with her because she is so active. She wanted to get everything that she wasn't supposed to. She really wanted to get all of the magazines out of the seat, and she also was very annoyed with me when I had to put the tray back up when we landed. She almost figured out how to unlock it by herself haha. She has changed so much this past month, I can't even believe it! Here's what little Miss Callie can do at nine months old: - Sits up very well, and doesn't fall over anymore! - Says Mama and Dada. (Mostly Mama! ;) Alright Callie) - Can get on her hands and knees and rock back and forth. She is so close to crawling. I think she took a small crawl step today. She's got the arms down, but its the legs. Today she was able to move one leg forward without falling! Go Callie! - Can also get into the sitting position by herself. (This is a new one... I saw her do this twice for the first time today) -Callie has her bottom 2 teeth along with the one right next to it. She has not cut her top front teeth yet, but the ones next to her front teeth just came through. I looks like her front teeth will make an appearance soon! This teething thing is really getting in the way of sleep!! - She is talking all the time, and still smiles at just about anyone. - Waving continues to be her favorite past time. At Church the nursery pushed her in one of those 6 seat buggy strollers and they said that she waved at everyone/everything that she saw. They were calling her the "mother hen". Haha! - Callie can almost pull herself to a standing position. (She's really close!!) - She enjoys standing at her activity table for several seconds at a time without assistance. - Callie also got her first big girl toy while we were in Texas. Matt's Mom got her a little pink horse with wheels for her to ride. She sat on it great without assistance and was starting to get the hang of getting the horse to move! We will have to find something like that for home because she absolutely loved it! - Callie has also figured out all of her toys! She can easily figure out most toys that I put in front of her. - She likes to have screaming contests every now and then. When she is in a good mood she will squeal and if you do it back, she will do it louder! It's too cute, and I think she knows it! - Callie started eating Cheerios with much success! No more of the little puffs that I started her out on! Cheerios come in a bigger box, and they are cheaper! Horray! - She's a 20 pounder. All of her 9 month clothes are getting too tight, but mainly too short! So in the next few days I will be putting up her 9 month outfits and getting out the 12 month ones! - Callie enjoys sitting in high chairs at restaurants like a big girl! Well that pretty much sums it up! I'm sure there is more that I cant think of! I love you Callie and I'm one lucky Momma!

Callie and her Grammie before we left!

So sweet! Callie loves flowers! Mom looks so pretty in this pic! Love this girlie.
Check out those sweet leg rolls! :)

Sunday, March 6, 2011

The girl loves her jewelry!

This will just be a quick little post, but I took a few pictures of Callie this morning in her church outfit and I thought it was too cute not to share! Callie loved playing with Mommy's necklace. We actually ended up not going to church though. We got up early and got all ready to go to church. Well as we were about to get in the Tahoe, we learned that the keys were locked in the car along with Callie's car seat. So Lindsey and Mom went to church and Callie and I had to stay home. Luckily AAA came out after church to unlock the car! What a morning! Callie is 8 and 1/2 months old now and I just can't believe it! She cut one of her top teeth a few days ago. Funny enough, its not one of her two front teeth, but the one right next to it. It looks like the one on the other side is really close also... so I guess Callie will have baby fangs for a while.. haha! The front top gums are also swollen, so I'm sure they wont be far behind! Callie has also started saying Mama a lot lately! It is really sweet! I have been waiting on that one for quite a while. She is working on crawling a lot, but is not quite there yet. She can get on her knees for a little bit, and then just lays flat! She still likes to roll around to get things and is trying to reach as far as she can. She pushes on her toes to help! It is the cutest thing ever. Well here are a few pictures that I took! Hope everyone has a wonderful week! Love, Erin

Callie with her bear that Grammie and Pap gave her when she was born! :)

Look at that face! She's saying look what I've got!!!
Love this one!
Sweet girl!
Do you think she's happy or what!? :)

Thursday, March 3, 2011

I Love you as big as the sky!!!

February has proven to be quite a month. This is the month that we lost a wonderful man. My Daddy passed away and went to heaven on February 18th at 7:05pm. He had been in the hospital for 2 weeks with suspected pneumonia/infection/cancer growth in the lungs. After trying everything they could the doctors knew that there was nothing that they could do. Dad was able to come home with hospice on Thursday afternoon February 17th. You could tell that he was happy to be home where he felt comfortable. A little over 24 hours later, we all stood around him holding his hand, praying with him, and telling him we loved him while he got ready to enter the kingdom of heaven. My Mom was so wonderful by his side. I admire her strength and courage. Dad went very peacefully and was in no pain. While it is very difficult to pick up the pieces, I praise God daily that my sweet daddy is no longer hurting, and struggling for every breath. Instead, he is up in heaven praising God. I know that if he had the choice to come back here he would say, "are you crazy"? (In his goofy voice). My Dad is eternally happy and healthy and for that I am so very thankful to God. After all, for Christians death is not death, but life.
That still doesn't take away the pain and sorrow. I miss him so so much. Matt and I have cried many tears over him because he is truly one of a kind. No one will ever be quite like my Daddy. He made every vacation exciting and always could make anyone laugh. He was a great husband to my sweet Mom and a wonderful Dad to Lindsey and I. I am so blessed to have a wonderful family. Before he passed away, I told my Dad that I would much rather have him as my Dad for a shorter time, than anyone else for a long long time. It's true. My Dad was a blessing to me.
My Dad was also a blessing to Matt. Matt has known my Dad since 10th grade in high school. My dad helped shape Matt into the man that he is today. My mom always reminds me of how quiet and shy Matt used to be. Well if you know my Dad you can understand how foreign the words "quiet and shy" are. Matt and my Dad bonded so much over the years and Matt came out of his shell, and the words "quiet and shy" were out the window. My Dad introduced Matt to so many people in the flying community and helped Matt to create friendships that he will cherish always. My dad called Matt "The Boy", and loved him like his very own. He always told me that Matt is the son he never had. Dad was so proud of Matt and all of his accomplishments. My parents came to Del Rio so many times to show their love and support for him. My Dad was such a comfort to Matt on assignment night in Del Rio when things didn't go the way that Matt wanted them to. I'm so glad my Dad was there to cheer him up and give him advice. I feel so blessed that my husband was able to know my Dad so well and that they developed such a close relationship so quickly. At my Dad's viewing, I had several people come up to me and say, "now where is your husband Matt? Your Daddy talked about him so much and with such pride that I just have to meet this guy". I just love that so much. I have told Matt many times that I'm so glad he knew my Dad like I did, because if he didn't he may not totally understand me. The relationship that Matt and my Dad shared as son/father-in-law was something rare. Matt and I will cherish that always.
I will also cherish the 8 months that my Dad was able to be a Pap to Callie. When I first learned of the severity of Dad's cancer I was mad. Mad because he is the most Grandpa type person I have ever met. He has talked about being a Grandpa ever since he knew Matt and I were getting married. I didn't expect that Dad would get the opportunity to meet any of our children, but I am thankful that God kept him here long enough to see his little grandbaby grow. If you thought that Matt was my Dad's pride and joy.... you were right until little Miss Callie came along! Sorry Matt! Haha! I will cherish the pictures and videos that I have of those two for the rest of my life. I know that when Callie gets a little older she will love seeing her "Pap" hug and love on her. He always told Callie that he loved her "As big as the sky". She will probably laugh at the picture of him giving her the very first french fry of her life. (I let that one slide, but Callie knows that it was a special treat, and will not be available to her for a very long time)... haha. He loved her so much. It was something special to see.
My Dad was such an awesome person. He was goofy, had nicknames for everyone and had a great life. He was not afraid to tell all types of people about Jesus. Dad told people about Jesus that many Christians wouldn't even talk to. My Dad made friends with just about everyone and that's something that I really admire about him. I hate that he had to get cancer, and leave this world at such a young age, but I have hope that I will see him again in heaven someday. Whenever I miss my Dad, I will remember what he told me in a note that he gave to me on my wedding day: "No matter where you are or how old you are, remember when you lay your head down at night, Erin Daddy loves you! Erin daddy loves you!" Dad always whispered that to me as a kid and I still love it as an adult.
It's bittersweet. Even though we lost Dad I know that he is happy and free from pain. We will miss him forever, and I still can't believe that he's gone. He was the best Dad in the whole wide world and will never be forgotten. Thank you to all of you for the kind words and prayers during this hard time. It was awesome to see how many people came to his funeral and viewing. It is a testament to what a great guy he was and how much he will be missed. Please continue to keep our family in your prayers. My Mom lost her Dad 11 days after she lost her husband on March 1st. My Pawpaw had been struggling with colon cancer. It's been hard, but we continue to lean on God and trust in his plan. Here are some pictures of my sweet 8 1/2 month old baby. She sure has been a bright spot in all of this. Love to you all!

Callie meets her Great Great Aunt Dana! Look how excited she was!!

Callie loves her Great Papa. I think that her Great Granny is quite proud! Callie loves her so much! Kally with Callie! Obviously this was quite exciting for both of them! Callie always wanted her Great Papa to hold her. Love it. Grammie reads stories the best!!
Grammie's sweetie on Valentine's Day!
Matt and Daddy share a hug. This picture sums it up.
Pap feeding his Grandbaby her very first French Fry. (I think he also gave her a small taste of banana pudding when I had by back turned haha).
One more French Fry!
The last picture of all four of us. Miss you Daddy and I love you big as the sky!