Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Callie vs. Rice Cereal!

Well, I decided to go ahead and try some rice cereal with my big girl. There really are no words. Pictures are better! But I will say that she is liking the idea of it more and more each day! Here is her first experience with solids!
Mom!! What in the world is this????? I really cant blame her... it is pretty tasteless and gross! Hmm... So the food is on the spoon and I can eat it??
Opening her mouth and ready to go!
Hope you enjoyed those! I still can't believe that she's old enough to try solids!!! I was going to wait until she was 5 months old, but the doctor said I could start at 4 months. Callie had been waking up really early at night, and I thought maybe a little extra food would help her sleep longer! So far it has been working! Here are a few other random pictures. Matt and I took Callie back up to Mt. Charleston this past weekend. It was quite cold, so we didn't stay long, but we enjoyed our picnic! Well I will post some Halloween pictures soon! Love and miss you all!
My little sweetie sound asleep in her swing!
Up at Mt. Charleston! So pretty! Callie and her Daddy! :)
Callie and Mommy!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pre-Halloween Pics!

Well, I know that its not Halloween yet, but we took Callie over to our friends house in her costume on Saturday, so I just had to take some pictures! Then I took some pictures of her today at the house in her Halloween outfit! She is looking so big these days!! Well here are a few pictures of Miss Callie. Happy Halloween everyone! Love you all! I'll post more Halloween pics once it gets here! :)

Callie was like "Whoa! What is this"?

"Oh Cool a me sized pumpkin", she says.
Tummy time!
She looks really concerned here, but she actually liked her costume! We could only get a few pics because the camera battery was almost out! I think she's a cute little Ladybug!
Happy Halloween!!!

Sunday, October 17, 2010

My sweet little 4 month old!

Time is just flying by with my sweet baby! Callie Michelle turned 4 months old on the 15th of October! At 4 months, Callie is: rolling over like crazy, laughing, squealing, talking a lot, sleeping 12-13 hours at night (with one feeding at 5:30), grabbing her toys and putting them straight in her mouth, drooling (she wears a bib everyday now), staying awake for longer periods during the day (2-3 hours) and putting herself to sleep at night with only a few minutes of fussing! Horray! Callie also smiles all the time. All it takes is "Hi Callie" and she gets a huge grin! It is really neat to watch her grow and learn things about the world. You can really tell that she's starting to make some connections. I love my sweet little baby and am so thankful to God for her!! Happy 4 months sweet pea, Mommy and Daddy love you so much!!! Here are some pictures for you!


She's a happy little girl, don't ya think?
She really loves her exersaucer!
My little sweetie!
Pretty girl! Laughing at Mommy! :)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Callie rolled over!

Callie learned something new this week! She is now officially rolling over. I knew that she was getting close because she could get from her back to her side pretty easily. Well, I had been working on rolling over with Callie, just showing her how to do it, and I thought she was getting pretty good at it. When Matt got home from work I wanted to show him how she could "almost" roll over. (She was about 3/4 of the way there). Well as Callie was showing daddy how she can "almost" roll over, she just went ahead and did it! Matt and I looked at each other like, did that just happen?? Then she kept on doing it like three or four more times! I thought that it was pretty cool that both Mommy and Daddy got to see her roll over for the first time. Now that she knows how to roll over from her back to her tummy, that's all she wants to do. As soon as I put her down, she immediately rolls over. This would be great if she actually liked to be on her tummy, but she doesn't! She still hasn't mastered going from tummy to back... well at least that's what I thought.... Last night there was a spouse social that I decided to go to. Matt was home and could help me put Callie to bed so that I could go. Well Daddy and Callie were playing for about 30 minutes after I left and what do you think Callie did?? She rolled all the way over! First from her back to tummy, like she had been doing, and then from her tummy to her back! I thought that this was a little ironic... seeing as I have only been away from Callie 4 or 5 times! So I missed that one, but I'm sure she'll do it again soon! :) Today is October 13th, so that means that in two days my sweet little baby will be 4 months old! I just can't believe it! I think that this last month has been so much fun~ she has changed so much! Well here are a few pictures from this morning! Hope you enjoy them! I'll post again soon with her 4 month update! :) Love to you all!

My little sweet girl! Just rolled on to her tummy!

She looks a little proud of herself! Just woke up from a nap! :)
Chile wanted his picture taken too!!!

Callie in her cute outfit that her Grammie bought her! :)

Look how much I'm growing!!!

Callie says "I love you"!

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Good to be Home!

Well Callie and I had such a great visit to Texas, but it sure is nice to be home. Chile is happy to have me home too! Matt told me that Chile was acting up the whole time I was gone! Poor thing! Callie did great on the plane both times! I was so happy about that. Callie just looked around, babbled a little and slept for the whole flight. Everyone around us was pleasantly surprised I think! Well Matt was so happy to see us at the airport. He couldn't believe how much Callie had changed. One thing that he noticed right off the bat was how much she was talking. While I was standing at baggage claim, Callie was trying to see how long she could make a sound without taking a breath, then she would take a quick breath and start over. It was actually quite loud. Everyone around us thought it was hilarious and just laughed. :) Daddy also noticed that Callie has lots of new "tricks". She can purposefully grab for toys now, hold her head up really well on her tummy, and stand, stand, stand. Callie loves to stand up. I have a feeling that we are going to have an early walker around here! She can stand for several minutes while we hold her arms. I also think that she is close to rolling from her back to her tummy. She can roll on her side, but then rolls back on her back. If i put her on her side she can roll on her tummy, so I figure it will only be a matter of time before she puts the two together. I can't believe how much she is learning and changing! She is absolutely loving books right now. She looks at the pages, grabs at the pages and smiles when I read to her. Books will definitely be on Callie's Christmas list this year! Well here are some pictures from this week! Oh and wish me luck, I will be teaching Callie how to take naps in her crib instead of the swing next week! We will see how that goes!! I have a feeling that she will protest.... Love you all!

This is Callie and her friend Gianna! There were born a week apart! It looks like they are trying to hold hands! How sweet!

One more of Callie and Gianna! :)
Little miss in her sweet little outfit that her Great-Aunt Blynda sent her! :) All smiles for this little girl... well at least for the moment!
Birds eye view!
Hello from Callie!!!
What a sweet little girlie!