Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Spring is here! :)

So... it's been a while... a long while.  I promise I have no intention of quitting this blog, I just lose motivation to write sometimes.  I do get some helpful reminders though to update this blog and I appreciate those reminders because I really do want to have a record of life with a toddler! So thank you for the update requests! Well... I guess the last time I posted was at Christmas, so I will just try my best to remember the stuff in between then and now.  I have also been really bad about taking pictures this year.  I was a little sad when I saw how few pictures I had over the last few months... so I plan to change that!
Nothing too big to report for Jan. that I can remember. We had a wonderful Valentine's Day together though!  Callie absolutely LOVES every holiday at this point in her life.  She gets the hint from the stores that we shop in.  She loved going to see all of the bears, balloons, hearts and flowers at the grocery store.   But I'm learning I have to use discretion when going down those types of isles these days.  (Otherwise the whole store will hear Callie throw a bit of a tantrum when I tell her she doesn't need whatever toy it is).  She is getting clever though.  When we go to Target she inevitably finds something she MUST have... and now she just calmly says "Ohhhh!!  I can ask Mimi/Grandma and Papa for that!" Hahahahah.  I just shake my head and move on. February was an exciting time because Granny and Papa came all the way from Colorado for a visit!  What a special time that was.  It was so nice to spend some real time with them.  Usually when we see them in Texas it is just for a day or two around the holidays.  But this time we were able to spend a whole week with them!  Callie adores her Great Papa and Granny.  She loved dragging Papa all over the house to play!  She also had a wonderful time playing games with her Great Granny.  That's a new thing with Callie!  She can play a few games now!  It's so much fun!  She has a Clifford the Big Red Dog game, and Toy Story Memory game and now, Candy Land!  We were able to go to the park together and go see a few places that Granny and Papa wanted to see (like Pawn Stars).  Granny may or may not have almost gotten arrested or shot was it, for trying to look in the door while they were filming a show. Hahaha... the security guard took it easy on her and we all left with our lives... hahah!  We loved having them visit and were so sad to see them go!    March was also a wonderful month!  The weather started getting really nice and the infamous Mimi came for a visit.  We had such a great time with Mom while she was here for the week.  Callie pretty much would not leave Mimi alone for one second the whole time she was here.  In the past when Grandparents visit, Callie is obsessed for a few days and then its all me again.... but not anymore.  I enjoyed this.  I pretty much just took it easy.  Mom even watched Callie so that Matt and I could go on a date!  I barely remember what a date is!  It was really nice to get out and just relax!  While Mom was here poor Matt was swamped with his final project for his Masters degree.  He finally finished his 30+ page paper and now only has a small project and final exam standing between him and GRADUATION.  This will be such a huge moment for our family.  All three of us have sacrificed a lot for this degree and I know Matt and I are equally excited about it being done.  I can't imagine what it will be like to be able to go do something fun as a family on the weekend.  Or have help around the house! Hahah... I won't lie... our house will benefit from an extra set of hands. :)  I know Callie will be glad that she doesn't have to say "Have fun with your lecture/paper/homework" soon after her Daddy gets home from a long day of work.  It really is a joyous time in our lives!  I am so proud of Matt for this accomplishment and I will just be so glad to have him around more!  So while Mom was here, Matt stayed upstairs working away while we went to the park, Child's Play, the new Children's Museum and several birthday parties.  It was a fun week and I'm so glad that Mom came.  Mimi was also here for Easter!  We thought Matt was going to have to work, but God worked it out so that he could come to church with us after all!  We had a wonderful day celebrating our Savior! Callie was spoiled by all the goodies from the Grandparents- she had a great day!  She really got into the Easter Egg hunting too! When we drove Mimi to the airport and dropped her off Callie cried real tears.  That's the first time she's done that!  It was sad but sweet all at the same time.  Matt's sister Jenn is here right now visiting and we are having a wonderful time with her!  It's been so long since we have been able to spend some good quality time with her so we are loving it!  So is Miss Callie.  It doesn't hurt that Aunt Jenn brought Callie pink sparkly butterfly wings with a matching wand... :)   Well this post is quickly getting very long so I will wrap it up!  I hope everyone is having a great week!
Much love!
 Callie playing kitchen!
 Say cheese!!!
 Callie and Mommy.

 She is still loving her dollhouse!

 Valentine's Day breakfast <3 p="">
 Valentine's Day lunch! PBJ's apples and strawberries! YUM!
 My happy girl!
 Baking sugar cookies on Valentines Day!
 She was quite  thrilled.
 No, it's not her birthday... just Valentine's Day... Thanks to the Grandparents for all the goodies!

 Callie showing off her new stick on earrings from Grandma and Papa!

 Callie's first picture.  She had Mimi's help but she did pretty good!
 This is another Callie picture taken all by herself!
 Another Callie picture... such talent!
 My beauty at the park!
 Callie likes to make friends everywhere we go.  These first graders loved playing with Callie.  They even helped her use the big girl swing for the first time! She's getting so grown up on me!
 Callie playing with a bubble machine at a friend's birthday party!
 Callie enjoying a BLUE frosted cupcake.  

 Easter Morning!
 This is my favorite picture! They both look great!
 Me and my girl.
 Daddy and his princess.
 Easter egg fun!
 Hahah, I'm the mean Mom that puts raisins in the eggs...
 She got some chocolate too!
 Eating a chocolate egg.

 At the Children's Museum.
 Callie as an air traffic controller.
 Callie the Vet!
 The water room! Callie loved it!
 She liked the sand too!

Callie dressed up like a princess on the pirate ship!  She was proud of herself!

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