Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Monday, January 28, 2013

Christmas 2012

What an exciting end to 2012!  We absolutely loved spending 2 weeks in Texas for Christmas this year!  We feel so blessed that Matt was able to take that much time off from work.  We are Texans at heart and it just felt really good to be home.  I must say that Callie's flying skills are much improved since our last flight.  She did a great job!  She did get upset with me at one point when we had to turn off her DVD player to land... but other than that she was perfect for the whole flight!  It's so nice that I can just bring coloring books, snacks and a movie and we're set!
When we landed in Texas it was in the 70's!  Crazy Texas weather... Then less than a week later it was snowing.  We saw it all!  Callie really enjoyed all of the time that she spent with family.  She got lots of attention from just about everybody!  We stayed at Matt's parents for the first week, and then stayed with my Mom for the last week.  At Grandma and Grandpa's house Callie had her own room.  Not just any room... a room equipped with a Dora the Explorer ball pit, and princess castle tent, and all sorts of other toys.  I'm shocked that she slept at all! :)  Nana (Matt's Grandma) spent Christmas in Texas this year so it was very nice to see her as well.  While at Grandma and Grandpa's we went to visit Santa, we looked at Christmas lights at Texas Motor Speedway and we also spent a lot of time with family.  It was great to spend time with Matt's sister Lindsay and her husband Steven!  We don't get to see them enough!  We really missed Jennifer this year but she spent a beautiful Christmas in Portland!  She had snow too!  Hopefully we can see her soon.  
Here is a first for Callie on this trip.... So we went to church as planned and assumed that there would be child care available... well, we were wrong.  So Callie sat with us in the service.  I was not looking forward to the hour long service... but as it turns out Callie didn't make a peep!  Well, with the exception of screaming YAY and clapping after the songs were over (which was just plain cute)!  She really understood that she had to be quiet and used her very quiet little whisper voice when she needed to say something.  She did manage to tell Grandma to "sit still please"!  Haha... Grandma was sitting still the whole time in case you were wondering.  Oh Callie.... she cracks me up sometimes!
We were also able to go to Stephenville for a family Christmas celebration.   It was such a wonderful time.  There was lots of land and animals to explore and Callie had a blast.  She noticed all of the horse "droppings" on the ground and decided that they were "Chile poop"! Hahah...  It sure was good to catch up with family that we don't get to see very often!  Oh and don't worry... Callie was absolutely spoiled rotten by  everyone there.  She had some serious loot to take home after that!
Then we went to Mom's house for Christmas Eve and stayed there until we left.  It was so good to see everyone on that side too!  My cousin Jordan and his soon to be wife, Katie were able to come and it was so much fun getting to know them better! Then on Christmas day we went to Oklahoma to visit MeMaw and  our Uncles. We really had such a great time (minus driving in icy conditions on Christmas day)! We felt so very blessed to see all of our family!  I miss hanging out with my Mom and sister soo much.  It was awesome to be together.  Matt and I also went out to the cemetery while we were there.  It was hard... I guess it always is... But I'm sure thankful that he is without pain and was in Heaven to celebrate Christmas.  We sure do miss him though.
Well, I'll just let the pictures tell the rest.... :)
 Callie playing in her room at Grandma and Papa's!
 Dress up and keyboard! 
 Grandma was rockin it too!
 Happy  much?
 Christmas Eve!
 Callie's new doll "Chloe".
 Callie's new Bible.
 The biggest smile ever... because she just got a Belle Princess dress.
 Love my Aunt and Uncle! 
 The men.
 :) So glad they came!  They are such an awesome couple!
 More presents.

 Saying thank you to Mimi!
 Callie loves her Velveteen Rabbit!
 Callie and Hannah! What a cute pic!
 Kisses from Aunt Lindsey!
 The Christmas PJS pic!
 Callie saying thanks to Aunt Blynda and Uncle Doug!
 Aunt Blynda made some reindeer food to sprinkle in the lawn! Hannah helped Callie put it out! :)
 Merry Christmas morning!!
I sure love my girl.

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