Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Friday, March 23, 2012

Water Table Fun!

God has given us such beautiful weather over the past week! We have been loving every minute of it. I got the water table out of the garage yesterday because it got up into the 80's! I knew that Callie would absolutely love it. I was right! She loved it last year, but this year she is really playing with it. She likes to swing the monkey, and let all of the animals slide down the slide. Well after 30 minutes of watching her play, I went inside for a second, leaving the door open so that I could talk to her and hear her. Everything seemed fine... well this is what I saw when I came back outside... seconds later. Haha! Callie decided to turn it into a pool. It was so funny because she didn't give any hints that she was doing that. She just kept playing and saying the same things that she was... so of course Matt and I didn't expect that anything had changed. Little stinker! She waited until I left for a second and then made her move! Haha. Matt and I laughed so hard, and luckily I was able to get a few pictures! Have a wonderful weekend and God Bless! -Erin

Oh, you know. She just jumped right in with her pants, socks and shoes on. No big deal! haha

Uh oh... BUSTED!!! It's so much more fun this way! It was pretty cute, I must say.
Time to get out!

Monday, March 19, 2012

New stickies!

Callie is one lucky and loved little girlie! Last night we got a package in the mail from her sweet Great Aunt Blynda and Uncle Doug! Callie was so excited to try on her new outfit and play with her "stickies". She loves stickers so much! Here are some cute pictures from Callie today! :) Thank you again Aunt Blynda and Uncle Doug we love you guys! Have a wonderful week everyone! God Bless!

Callie "sleeping".

This is Callie's sad face. This is a reaction to the next picture. Callie hates when Chile gets her snacks that she leaves on the floor... haha
Callie sitting at her table playing with her new "stickies".
Loving it!
Callie says "thank you"!

Thursday, March 8, 2012

March already!

It seems crazy that its March! Wow! This is one of my favorite times of year! I love when seasons change. It just makes me happy! It probably shouldn't since i will have a few weeks of Spring and then Summer will be here... with its lovely 110 degree weather.... yuck! But for now I'll enjoy Spring! I always feel the same way when Summer is over and Fall arrives!
My Momma came in to town for a week and we had a blast! It was so much fun to see Callie with her. Callie was in HEAVEN! For the first few days Callie would not let Matt or I do anything. It HAD to be Mimi. It was too cute. She grabbed her Mimi's hand and just took her with her everywhere she went! It was precious! We went to the park several times and just had fun playing! Matt even watched Callie for me on one of his days off so that Mom and I could go shopping! It was a blast! Unfortunately the weather wasn't great while Mimi was here, so our outside activities were limited. But we had so much fun! Mom really got to see how much Callie has changed even since the wedding in January! This girl can talk now! She can say just about anything. Yesterday I heard her talking to her Baby "Emma" and she said, "Sit down baby Emma"! It was too cute. I can't believe she's starting to use sentences! Another favorite phrase of mine is "lub you momma"! So sweet! I'm momma half the time and mommy the other half! :) Hope you enjoy the new pics! I hope you are having a wonderful week! God Bless!

Callie enjoying the ducks!

My little tree hugger! :) Sweet Callie!
Kisses for her bear!
This girl LOVES to swing!
And slide!
Pure joy!
This is Callie running from one end of the house to the other... over and over!
Look at that running form! She didn't get it from me haahah!
Chile likes to run too!
My sweetie playing with her "zeeba"!
Melts my heart! Yum! Banana!
30 seconds later when the banana is gone... hahahah!
Callie and her baby Emma!
Is it just me or does she look SOOOO grown up here?
First pony tail in the back! :)
Yay for new ways to do her hair!!
Callie and Mimi playing "mail" with leaves!
Aw Callie loves her Mimi!
Callie loves stickers... this is what she did to my foot. hah! Oh here is a video from a while back! enjoy!