Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Callie is 15 months!

I am a little late on posting this... but Callie is 15 (more like 15 and 1/2) months old! I can't believe that its been 3 months since her first birthday. She is really changing sooo much right now. Some of the changes are fun... the others not so much. Haha. Temper tantrums are a part of our day, everyday, multiple times a day. Callie is really starting to get "frustrated" when she doesn't get her way. We are in the process of learning that very hard lesson. :) Even though 2-3 minute tantrums are the norm around here, it is so much fun to watch how much Callie is growing. I took her to her 15 month well check up and she looked great. Callie weighed 23 pounds and 8 oz and was in the 75th percentile for weight and height! Callie is a big girl. I love her squishy thighs. Those adorable squishy thighs have demanded 18 month clothes now... and her tummy, and length. Callie has made huge leaps with her vocabulary. Ive decided that she can say more than she actually does, she just doesn't want to. The other day she was VERY ready for snack time, so I asked her, Callie do you want some yogurt? She quickly replies "yes"! Callie has never said yes before... so Matt and I were excited to hear her say that. Then I kept trying to get her to say it again... and she just shook her head no. I asked her if she could say yes, and she nodded yes. Then I asked her if she would say it, and she nodded no. Haha! She's funny like that. Callie likes to say: hi, bye bye, mama, dada, up, apple, baby, Pap, Grandpa, eyebrow (haha I know... who says eyebrow as one of their first words....), bible, bath, ball, kitty cat, dog, fish and milk. I'm sure I've forgotten a few, but those are the main ones. She is really trying to attempt many words that she hears. We have been working like CRAZY on Grammie and Grandma... she attempted Grammie, so I think we are getting close. Oh that reminds me... cutest story. We were looking through a picture album yesterday and she was very fascinated with my Papa's picture. So I told her he was her Great Papa, and now she points to him and says Papa! So precious! (We will have to work on Great Granny too)! I love hearing her voice! Most of the time its such a sweet sound... :). She is walking around so well now. She prefers it actually. I have let her start walking more when we are out (for VERY short distances). She can climb on and off of the couch without any problems now. She is also very close to using her spoon successfully at meal times. I took her to the splash park the other day and she loved it so much. She ran through the water and loved it. The first time... she looked slightly concerned, but the second time it was pure joy. Not so much pure joy when I had to carry her away from it to go home... haha. The only other thing I can think of is that Callie can now open and close doors. Boo. I guess it had to happen eventually. We are so happy that Fall is here, and we can't wait until the weather acts like its Fall. Hope you all have a wonderful week!
Oh and here are a few pictures of Callie from this week when I babysat for a friend. Callie was not too sure what to think about having to share me. She got used to it, but wasn't a fan. Haha!

Callie wants to get into her bumbo again... even if she doesn't fit.

Look how strong she is! So proud of herself!
Callie is putting her baby in the car seat!
My little climber!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Callie gets a chair!

Callie and I went shopping this morning and found her a chair that she can call her own. All she wants to do lately is climb on the couch, stand on the couch and laugh. Laugh because she knows she shouldn't do it. So I go over and take her off of the couch many times a day. So I figured it might be worth it to get Callie her own chair. She was so excited when we got home. She loved climbing it, and eventually she sat in it. We will see if she likes it as much as the big couch.... (I'm keeping my fingers crossed but not holding my breath...). She sure is getting big!
Oh here is a cute story. A few mornings ago I walked into her room to get her up and she was standing up in her crib, pointing to a picture of her Pap holding her when she was born and was saying "pop" (it sounded like a mix between Pap and Pop. It was precious! I know he's smiling down on her... and I'm sure he's a bit proud that she said his name first... haha! But Callie also attempted the word Grandpa today! It sounded like ampa with a major emphasis on the p sound. I cant believe it! Her vocabulary is really taking off. In the past week she has been saying Hi Mama, and Hi Dada! :) She also says up now! It's so much fun to hear her new words. Well here is a picture of Callie climbing into her new chair. These are the first pictures after I cut her bangs... she didn't want to hold very still, and i got them a bit short, but they will grow to the length I was going for in a week or so. Hope you have a wonderful rest of the week!

" I think I'll get in my chair this way"!

"Almost got it"! Silly girl.
Yep, already standing on it... but at least she sat down when I asked her to!
Callie loves her new big girl chair!

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Summer Fun 2011

Well this is going to be a random post, but I wanted to post a few pictures from summer! Now that I have the laptop back I can post them. Callie and I had such a great summer, and she got to do so many fun things! During our Texas trip Callie was able to... ~go to ChuckECheese's twice! (Thanks Grandma!) Oh and now every time we see a "ride" at Walmart she screams with excitement... luckily she doesn't scream to ride it! ~ have a wonderful Birthday Party! Thanks again Grandma! ~ visit with lots of family members! She saw her Great Aunt Blynda, Great Uncle Doug, "Uncle" Jordan, her Great Great Aunt Dana, Great Great Uncle Buddy, Her Great MeMaw and so many others! ~ have the privilege of spending several afternoons with her Cousin Hannah. That was so much fun. ~take her first trip to the Rainforest Cafe! She absolutely LOVED it! We sat right next to the elephants and she had a ball! I just couldn't resist the urge to buy her an elephant stuffed animal after I saw how much she loved it! That was a very fun day with Grandma and Grandpa! ~ eat at a lot of Tex-Mex places... Haha... well that was more for Mommy but she liked it too! I miss the Mexican food in Texas, but its probably a good thing that there are not too many good options here! Callie got to do so much, but so did I! I am so thankful that I was able to meet up with some friends that I hadn't seen in soooo long. It was awesome to have grandparents for babysitters! I knew that when I went out that she was a great hands. Well enough of my rambling.. haha. Here are some cute pictures from our Texas visit! Have a great rest of the week and God Bless! Erin

Callie eating at the Rainforest Cafe!

Grandpa and Callie checking out the fish at Rainforest Cafe. This is Callie's spaghetti face... this picture leads to the next one.
Much better!
Callie and Grammie, sorting shapes of course!
Callie swimming at her party!
Callie is saying "Grandma this party is awesome"!
Yum! Cake!
My sweetie!
She is obviously excited about her new hat!
Playing at Grandma and Grandpa's!
Puzzle time with Grandma.
Callie with her Aunt Lindsey. Aw!
Sweet picture!
It's crazy how much she has grown since this picture!!!