Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Callie is 1!!! (warning... long post)

Where has the time gone? My sweet "little" baby is one year old! It has been such a wonderful year and I am so thankful that God chose us to be her parents. She has changed so much in one short year, and it has been so much fun.
I think back to those long, long nights when little Callie was brand new. I just knew that she would NEVER sleep all the way through the night. Yes, other people told me that she would, and I saw plenty of other parents who had sleeping children... but I thought that day would never come. Haha! Then I remember thinking, uhhh I have to feed her 10 times a day! It seems like right when I'm finished feeding her its time again! I really thought I would never be able to go to the store again. Now Callie is almost finished with breastfeeding and it makes me a little sad! The freedom will be nice, but I will miss it. Even though being a new parent definitely has its challenges, it is the most amazing and wonderful thing EVER! I simply cannot imagine my life without her! She's just growing up so fast!
At 12 months Callie:
- is standing without holding on to anything else. She attempts a few steps but isn't quite there yet! I know that it wont be long though, because she gets more and more brave everyday!
- is sleeping 11 hours at night! (Yes!!!!) She takes two naps a day totaling about 3 hours. She IS a good sleeper after all.... haha!
- loves her books more than anything! She can point to several objects when we ask her to (balloon, cat, dog, nose, eyes, moon, cow)
- is also very good at finding her belly button! It is the cutest thing ever. I will have to take a video and post it. She raises her shirt and then pulls her big belly up so that she can see it, and then smiles with pride when she finds it!
- loves walking/running around the house with her little push toys!
- unfortunately still LOVES Chile's dog food....
- is eating 100% table food (except for one morning milk feeding). She eats everything that we do and is starting to show some serious preference... she definitely spits out peas, corn, and green beans! Oh dear... She is still trying to get used to cows milk also.... shes not too sure yet.
- Callie also has figured out how to turn a book around so that it is facing the correct way. Even though its a small thing its just really fun to watch her turn a book over and rotate it so that it is the right way! She is just learning sooo much right now.
- She loves to chase Chile around the house and fight him for his toys. Chile is very good with Callie and lets her!
- Callie follows simple directions too. For example I can say "Callie go get a book please" and off she goes!
- Callie's vocabulary consists of: Mama, Dada, Baba, Hi, and Yea! :) I think she is working on puppy... its sounds like puh puh. :)
The list could go on and on. But that's all that I can think of right now! Well for Callie's first Birthday we had a fun little party here at the house. It was lots of fun! She was so excited to open presents and try some cake! Callie even got to eat pizza! We had some of our good friends and their kids come over to celebrate! And of course Callie was soooooo excited that Grammie came all the way here to celebrate! Callie sure is lucky to have such a sweet Grammie! Callie got lots of birthday cards and presents in the mail from family and friends! She told me to tell you all "Thank you"! :)
Well Callie Michelle, you are a beautiful little girl, inside and out. Mommy and Daddy are so blessed to have you! It is so much fun to watch you grow and develop your own personality. Always remember that Mommy and Daddy love you as big as the sky! We are so proud of you!
Here are some pictures from Callie's Birthday! (My wonderful friend Liesl took them for me) Sorry they are not it order! :)

Callie is waiting for some yummy cake!

Surprisingly, she was really into opening presents!! More for me?!
The guys!
How sweet is she?!
Lindsey and Ryan got to watch Callie eat her birthday cake through skype! :)
Callie's Birthday banner!
Sign in sheet for her Birthday party that will go in her 1 year scrapbook.
My sweetie!
Callie and her Daddy! Precious!!
Callie LOVES The Very Hungry Caterpillar! That is her Uncle Chris reading it to her!
Aw! Cute pic of Chelsea and Gianna!
The Birthday Girl eating her cake!
This was the before pic... haha.
Cupcakes for the guests!
Treat bags!
It was a great day!!!

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