Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Back at home!

We had such a great time in Texas, but it sure is good to be home! Callie and Chile did great in the car much to our surprise! Since we've been home we celebrated Matt's 27th birthday! Yikes! I can't believe that he's 27! Seems like only yesterday that we were just getting our driver's license! We had a good little family celebration for Matt's birthday, and we also took some time to reminisce about my Dad. I think it is so awesome that they shared the same birthday! We grilled out some turkey burgers and brats and it was gooood! Instead of a birthday cake, I got Matt some cupcakes from a Bakery close by. It was fun to try a bunch of weird flavors! I really liked the Maple Bacon cupcake to my surprise! We even let Callie have her first bite of cupcake. We thought it would be a good little preview for her birthday coming up next month! She like the cupcake, but we didn't give her any icing, so I'm sure she'll like it more when she can dig into a cake!
Callie is such a busy bee these days! She is literally ALL over the place! Callie's main goal in life right now is to get her hands on some dog food! Any chance that she gets she is crawling as fast as she can toward it. Our house has a pretty open floor plan and it makes it impossible to keep her in one room. She pretty much had free reign over the whole downstairs. I'm still trying to think of a way to section her off in the living room.... but that would take some really long gates!
Callie is done with baby food now. She much prefers table food. She especially loves bananas. The other day I was sharing a banana with her and Chile, and as soon as it was gone I told her all done. She then throws herself to the floor in pure outrage! Haha. She loves bananas! Callie is still doing great with her signing. She signs "more" and "all done" pretty consistently now! Callie is getting better with walking with assistance. She really likes to push her walker toys around. More and more she lets go of things for a few seconds. Her balance is getting much better, and I know it wont be long until she starts walking. Her favorite word right now is Dada! She says it all the time! She also likes "hi" and "uh-oh"! She really only says Mama when she's tired. Booo!! Oh well, I know she will say it more soon enough! I love seeing her face when Matt gets home from work. She gets a huge smile on her face and says Dada while frantically waving at him. It is pure sweetness! Well here are some pictures from the past few weeks! Hope you enjoy. Have a great Memorial Day Weekend!

Callie trying her first bite of cupcake!

Not too sure at first, but she loved it after a few seconds!

Matt on his 27th bday! Callie enjoying Daddy's birthday dinner! Yum!
Happy girl!
Cookies and cream yum!
Callie playing in the kitchen!
Callie getting into diapers... so fun!
What a fun game! It's tiring helping with laundry!
I'm glad one of us thinks laundry is fun....
Sweetie pie!

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