Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Monday, January 24, 2011

Christmas.. Finally!

Hello! Well Ive been a little behind on the blog, but I'm finally getting back into the swing of things at home. We had a great Christmas this year with our families, but its good to be back at home too! Callie really enjoyed seeing all of her grandparents and extended family. She also go to see her Great Great Aunt Judy and Annie. Hopefully next time we can see Aunt Dana! Callie loved the pajamas Aunt Dana, she will be fitting into those in no time at all!
Our trip to Texas was extended a little longer than we had planned because my Dad was admitted to the hospital with pneumonia and difficulty breathing. He stayed in the hospital in Dallas for over a week! But he left feeling much much better. Please continue to pray for my dad and his lungs. I was glad that Callie and I got to stay a bit longer to help take care of my dad. I wish we could have stayed longer, but I think Matt was ready to see us! We were ready to see him too! Callie did such a great job on the plane rides to and from Dallas. Especially on the way there.... We had lots of rain here in Las Vegas so our plane was delayed 3 hours which was problematic since we had a connection to catch in Albuquerque NM. We were promised that the plane would wait for us. Silly us for believing that! Well the plane didn't wait for us in NM so we were stranded there over night with a baby and a dog. (Talk about a nightmare!) We got to our hotel at 12am and had to be back up at 4 am to get to the airport for a 6am flight! You can imagine how crazy that was. Oh well, at least we made it safely! Chile was not happy about the whole ordeal, but he managed. Callie was as happy as a clam!
Callie is just more and more fun everyday! She is growing like crazy and learning a lot of new things. She is awesome at sitting up now. She still topples over, but I think she does it on purpose now! She is also rolling around like crazy. I know she really wants to crawl, but she still has not figured out how to get all the way up on her knees! It wont be long! Another really cute thing that Callie learned is how to wave. She consistently waves when you prompt her and it is the cutest thing ever! The first time that she did it was at my Mother in law's work. I took Callie up there to see Grandma, and she started waving to people! She loves to laugh now too. It is much easier to get her laughing! Callie also started eating those little baby puffs. She can pick them up at put them in her mouth all by herself! She LOVES it. Her favorite sound is babababababa. She says that all the time. She said mama and dada before Christmas, but we have not heard her say it since, just baba! I am just really loving every moment I have with her! I feel so blessed to be able to stay at home with her. I'm just taking in every moment and trying not to forget, because time is already flying by so fast. Here are some pictures from Christmas and some since we got back home!
Hope everyone has a wonderful 2011! (That's a little late seeing that its almost February!)
Have a great day and God bless! Erin

Callie wearing her "Pap's" hat.

Grammie love! Callie with her Pap! Sweet kisses!!!
I love this picture. They are soo cute together!
Callie and her Daddy in January!
Here is Callie showing off her new noise! It makes a mess!
Laughing away!
Family photo on Christmas Eve!
Christmas Eve!
Presents for me?!
Callie and Grandma.
Callie loves her new blocks! So does Chile, he has eaten 3 of them :(
Callie on New Years Eve at the Scroggins'!
Chile posing in his Christmas outfit that Marty and Debbie got him!
Mommy and Callie on Christmas Day at Memaw and Pawpaw's house.
Callie enjoying some Memaw love.
Callie had a great Christmas!
Callie is checking out what Santa left her!
Callie helped tear the paper!
Sweet Grammie and Callie!

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