Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

"Aunt" Amanda's Visit!

Well one of my best friends came in town to see Callie for the first time. She drove all the way from Clovis, NM which was a twelve hour drive! It has been so much fun hanging out all week. Callie, Amanda and I have gone out to lunch and out shopping many times! Today we had Callie's two month check up and shots! The shots were not fun, but she only cried for a minute or so. Everyone in the waiting room was hurting for Callie. They all had a sad face when she started crying. So did Amanda and I! Amanda waited in the waiting room while I took her back for shots and she said that everyone said aww when Callie started crying. She has 2 red crayon shaped band aids on her chubby little thighs! But other than that her appointment went great. She weighed 11 lb and 13 oz which puts her in the 58th percentile. Her length was 23.5 inches, which puts her in the 78th percentile! Now I already had a talk with Callie and told her to enjoy being in the 78th percentile for length while she still can! Ha! Her head measured 39cm which is in the 39th percentile. Dr. Swarts was very happy with Callie's growth and progress. One thing that we are going to start working more on is tummy time, so that she can get her arm strenth up to help her lift her head up. I am soo happy that her appointment went so well today! She is growing healthy and strong! We are so blessed to have Callie Michelle in our lives! I love that girlie sooo much!
Here is the band aid that Callie has! Such a big girl! She was so brave!!
Here are some pictures of Amanda's visit. Love you all!! Oh and hopefully in a few days we will get the pictures back that we had taken of Callie. The photographer has a website where you put in a password to view all of the pictures. I will post that when I get it! :)

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