Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Callie Michelle Rowan

God blessed us with our little girl on June 15th 2010! Matt and I went to the hospital on the 14th to be induced. Everything was progressing very well and at about 4:30 on the 15th I started pushing. Unfortunately, Callie just wasn't going to be able to fit, so I had a c-section and she was delivered at 8:01 pm. Callie was 7 lb and 12 oz and 20 1/2" long. Her head circumference was 14.5". Our good friend John from college happened to be working with the OB that day and was able to help bring Callie into the world. How awesome is that?! It was a very long day, but when I saw my sweet little baby girl it was all more than worth it! We came home from the hospital on June 17th. All of the doctors said that Callie looked great! Matt and I are so in love with her and are enjoying getting to know her better every day. We were fortunate enough to have my family in town during Callie's birth. Mom, Dad, Lindsey and Uncle Ryan were all here to support us and share some love with little Miss Callie. Mom and Dad look awesome as new grandparents! I'm pretty sure that Callie has stolen their hearts! Dad already has a nickname for her (of course!) Penelope Mick. It is such a blessing to see my dad hold his first grandchild, and we are so thankful to God for it. I don't know what I would have done without my Mom and sister here. They were so awesome while I was recovering from surgery. Aunt Lindsey even stayed with her one night and brought her to me when she needed to eat. That was so nice since I was still in pain from the surgery. Thanks Linds!! While they were here we took Callie to her first restaurant. We went to TGI Friday's and she just slept the whole time! We also took her up to Mt. Charleston. It was absolutely beautiful up there and I'm glad Callie got to see God's beautiful creation so early in her life. Here are some pictures!

Mommy, Daddy and Callie all together for the very first time. Love.

Callie with her Grammie. Love it!

Callie and her PaPaw spending sweet time together. Her PaPaw loves her "bigger than the sky".

Callie with her pround Aunt Lindsey and Uncle Wilbur!
Yay! It's time to go home!!!!
Callie meets her older brother Chile. :)

Our little sunshine!!! Getting ready to go to Mt. Charleston!

Family picture at Mt. Charleston. Callie is only 4 days old!!
As soon as my parents left to go home Matt's parents got here. It was so nice having family around for the first two weeks. Debbie cooked all of the meals and just loved and held Callie as much as she could. Marty also enjoyed playing with Callie! Matt and I are so grateful to both of our families for all of the love and support that they have shown us! They are all wonderful grandparents and Callie is one lucky little girl!

Callie and Grandma!

Callie and her Grandpa!
Chile wanted to be in a picture too!!

Callie sure enjoyed her time with Grandparents!
Since then Callie has had her two week appointment. She weighed in at 8 lb and 6 oz and was 21" long! We have a growing girl! A week later I weighed her and she was right at 9 lbs! I can't believe how quickly she is growing!! Matt started back to work and Callie and I survived our first week home alone. She is an absolute joy and I love being her Mommy!


  1. Aww! What a wonderful blog! So glad that you're all doing so well! I just can't wait to meet Callie (I know I've said it about a millions times)! Looking forward to reading more about the Rowan's 4! :)

  2. Greaat job, Erin! I really loved seeing Callie's online baby book. You look great, btw. I am so proud of you and happy for you. You ARE truly blessed. love, Aunt Pickle

  3. Erin, Matt, Chili and Callie, Uncle Buddy and I love your blog.. We review the pictures ever so often and I am in touch with the photogapher/Hope to get one with you four in it so I can display it.

  4. Erin and Matt, I ordered through the photographer last night on the telephone some of the pictures of you all and our precious Callie. I like that A & M pair of her little hiney. All of the pictures were so good. What memories. Thank you all for doing this. Love, Aunt Dana

  5. Dear Erin, As I opened the magazine called Open Windows that have daily devotions in it, I was reading down the list of writers for the fall season, and one that was listed was from the Foothills Southern Baptist Church in Las Vegas and her name is Donna F. Savage. She is the pastor's wife and Sunday School Director and a Freelance writer and speaker. Thought you might be interested now that our little precious darling is getting really good and sleeping all night. I am so glad you are getting to rest. Love you, Aunt Dana

  6. Erin, it was wonderful to talk to you about your family. I cannot even begin to tell you all what you mean to Buddy and I. I am so pleased with baby Callie's pictures. It was hard to pick from them. I had already been shopping for frames for mine. Granny is getting the big picture of you four for her birthday and she is thrilled. Will talk to you another time. Love, Aunt Dana

  7. Need a new fix on Callie Michelle. How is she doing and is she growing? I can't wait to see her in person. Love, Aunt Dana

  8. Hi, Erin...Glad you flew Callie home to Matt and Chile. Hope you enjoyed the trip. Need to see new pictures of Callie. Thanks, Aunt Dana
