Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

He is Risen!

Happy Easter!

I hope that all of you had a wonderful Easter and that you were able to take time to reflect on the amazing love and grace that our Savior gives us.  It is truly amazing to me that Jesus became man to bear our sin- all so that we can have a relationship with God Almighty.  What a painful and horrible moment it must have been for him on the cross to be separated from God for that moment because of all of our sins.  Praise God for the love that he has for his children.

The Rowans are doing great!  It is definitely a busy season in our life, but the good news is that Matt will be graduating in June!  We are almost there folks!  The girls and I are staying busy with the amazing friends that we have made.  Callie enjoys preK, swimming, gymnastics and AWANA.  Hailey is along for the ride and looks forward to next year when big sister is in Kindergarten (tear) so that she can have some much deserved Hailey and Mommy time!  I sure love my girls.  And let me just tell you, they are growing like weeds.

Exhibit A:

Callie's loose tooth.
We were getting into the car at preK and callie bit into her turkey and cheese wrap.  Loud screaming and crying soon followed.  Of course I assumed that she either bit her finger or her tongue (both of which are common occurrences).  I immediately tell her to stop screaming and calm down... I tell her that she will be just fine. Then she tells me, "Mom my tooth hurts really, really bad"!  I thought that a hurt tooth warranted a closer look.  To my complete surprise when I examine the hurt tooth I notice that it was very loose.  My four year old baby has a loose tooth.  Instantly my mind starts to wonder... is this normal?  Four years old?!  Did she hurt herself at school today?  Hit her mouth on something?!  I asked and she said no!  Well of course I immediately scheduled a dentist appointment and guess what?  Everything was good, shes just early!  In fact her first tooth came out the day before her appointment and the one next to it was loose too!  She will be loosing her second tooth any day now.  She lost her tooth at Sunday school...and of course... she swallowed it.  They were having graham crackers for snack and there ya go! My sweet big girl!  I will admit that I cried a little. I thought I had at least another year before all of this big kid stuff started.  For those who were wondering... the tooth fairy was very understanding and accepted a paper tooth with a note explaining the situation.  ;)
Cheese!  Notice anything missing?!

Note to the tooth fairy!

Callie loved the dentist!

 Callie and Mommy on a Mommy daughter date!

Exhibit B:
Miss Hailey, who will always be my baby, is actually a toddler.  As much as I try to hold on to my little baby girl she too is growing up!  She is very opinionated and wants to be very independent.  Seems she's learning a lot from big sister.  ;)  Hailey is all over the place.  Climbing, running, trying to be a 4 year old.  She is talking up a storm.  At 17 months she says, Momma, Dada, Chile, sissy, baby, dog, ball, hi, bye-bye, please, thank you, up, all done, outside... oh the list goes on.  She is adding words by the day.  She also knows where her nose, eyes, mouth, tongue, hair, and ears are.  In the past few weeks she has really mastered animal sounds.  She knows what the cat, dog, sheep, bird, and many others that I can't quite remember at the moment!  It's precious to see her learning more and more everyday.  Her kisses just melt our hearts (even though they are on her terms only).  She loves when her Daddy comes home from work and waits by the door when she hears the garage.  Definitely and Daddy's girl.  And why shouldn't she be... they could be twins!  Hailey has also successfully endured 4 molars coming through.  She currently has 12 teeth!

Well back to Easter... here are some pictures from Easter Sunday.  I hope you all enjoy them!  Have a wonderful week!!
Much love,
First time dyeing Easter eggs!

Excited much?!

Check out that missing tooth!

Does she look grown up to anyone else?!

Callie loved dyeing eggs! 

 The finished product!

This is Callie's stickeriffic  egg!

She was proud! 

 Happy smiles!

 Thanks for our dresses Mimi!

Look how big she is!

Her basket was quite full!

Hailey found one!

Oh and here are a few random pictures from a day trip to the beach!

It was Hailey's first time and she loved it!

 My sweet girl!

All three of us!

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