Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

May and June!

May and June were crazy, crazy months for the Rowans.  We packed, we organized and we moved over one state to the west.  We are now finally settled into our California home and we are loving it.  Yes, it is different and very, very isolated- but that also makes it fun.  Callie loves living on base and it is so neat to watch her get excited about the normal base things.  She loves going to the "commisaria" as she calls it... we keep telling her its the commissary.  She loves that grocery shopping and church are only minutes from our house.  She also loves that there is a bowling alley on base. She stands outside and puts her hand over her heart when she hears the national anthem playing at 4:30.  It's just the cutest thing to watch.  I'm so glad that she is getting to experience this and that she loves it so much.  We are only about 45 minutes from anything you could really want so hey its not so bad.  It is hot though, and very windy.  But hey, we are used to that.  I know that God brought us to this base and I know that his plan is good and right.

Hailey didn't really notice the move too much. It messed with her sleep a little bit, but we are back on track now and she is doing great.  She is still just the most easy going little sweet pea I've ever parented! Ha!  She is growing much too fast for my liking.  I love being able to stay home with her and watch her grow, learn and discover.  She is on the verge of crawling and is almost 9 months old.  Didn't I just have her?  I can't even believe I'll be planning out her first birthday soon.  I just told Matt the other night that I just can't imagine our family before her anymore.  She is a wonderful and sweet little baby and I am so very thankful that God gave her to us.

Well here is a picture update of May.

Hailey trying bananas for the first time.

Hailey gagging after trying bananas for the first time.

She was happy after it was all over!

Callie looking so grown up!

My little sweet pea!

More bananas!

Mom! Make it stop!

Now here are some pictures from our Red Rock hiking adventure.  In May, Matt's sister Lindsay and her husband Steven and my adorable nephew were able to come for a visit.  We had such a great time with them!  We decided to go hiking one day with them and our some of our best friends! Callie  was a little bit of a drama queen about the whole hiking thing... but about half way through she straightened up and had a blast!

 The Clark Family!

 Awesome views!

 The Fox and Rowan clan! Hailey and Jackson weren't interested!
 Super Callie!

Callie and Kev! 


She wanted Mommy to help too! 

 Crazy Uncle Steven!

Love these people! 

Callie and Mrs. Corrie! 

Sweet one of Hailey and Daddy! She loved hiking! 

 Well that was a lot!  I'll post more of June and Callies bday/fathers day soon!
God Bless you all!


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