Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

March already?!

Well, I guess it won't be long until its summer! Where has the time gone?!  My sweetie little baby turned 4 months old on the 7th.  Hailey is growing like crazy lately.  She is changing so much and really starting to settle into a routine.  She is taking 3 naps a day and sleeping like a champ at night.  She is almost putting herself to sleep at night which is great!  That means bedtime is not an hour long anymore.  She just kept waking up every time we left the room.  So Matt gently suggested that we give her a few minutes and see what happened.  Within 3 minutes she was out.  She didn't even scream the whole time.  Just fussed a little.  Since then she has been sleeping a 7 hour stretch!  Woo hoo!  At four months Hailey weighs in at close to 15 lbs.  She is holding onto her toys and putting all of them straight into her mouth.  She loves playing on her floor gym and sitting up in her exersaucer.  She has got such an easy going personality!  All of us sure do enjoy her!  Callie included!  She still asks to hold her and loves helping me take care of her.  A few days back I saw Callie reading a book to her.  It was precious.  I am so proud of Callie and how wonderful she is as a big sister.  She will be a wonderful mother someday.  She just has a sweet, and loving demeanor around her little sister.  After Hailey's nap today she decided that it was time to roll over!  She did it with what seemed like no effort at all... it was like she said, OK, today is the day.  Haha! She is also loving the sound of her own voice, and well, we love it too!  She loves to squeal at such high pitch that only Chile can hear all of it.  It's wonderful to hear her sweet, sweet sounds.  We also moved Miss Hailey into her room to sleep.  I am sad and happy all at the same time.  It's wonderful to have our room back and not have to tip toe around, but it also means that she is growing up... and way too fast for my liking.  I love my sweet little Hailey so, so much!
Callie is growing up too!  She is really showing an interest in reading- so I guess we will start! She knows quite a few sight words and has started some phonetic spelling.  The fridge is covered in magnetic letters and words that she made!  I'm just a little proud of her.  She has a few beginner readers and it picking it up very quickly.  I don't think it will be long until she is a full up reader.  I hope to find a good preschool when we move, because I know that she would LOVE it.  Callie also really has taken interest in her Bible stories at night.  She has been so excited this week because we just finished her Children's Storybook Bible.  Her favorite story is about Sampson and his powerful hair.  We are enjoying Callie so much and we are pleased to report that the tantrums are really slowing down.  Woo hoo!!! I am so very thankful to God for the family he has given me.  Trying to soak in every minute.
Here are some pictures of my sweeties!

My sweet pea!

Callie was so proud... "look Mommy! I spelled happy"!!

It's a record breaker folks... she kept that in for a whole 10 seconds! haha

Wow! This is cool Mom!

Callie and one of her best buddies!

Painting fun!

So big in her bumbo!

Callie and her sweet friend playing!

Sweet girls!


Look how good I am at holding my head up!!

My loves.

A real beauty... inside and out.

Aw!  I love this picture of the girls playing.

This was taken on her 4 month birthday!

4 months old!  Such a joy!


Callie all ready for the dance with Daddy!

My princess!

Her stylin hairdo!

Love them both so much.

Hi, I'm Hailey and I look like my Daddy!

Outside fun!

It's snack time folks!

Precious hands!

Callie playing with our bears!  If only you could hear the conversations that she makes up... haahaha
Looks like little sister might keep her blue eyes as well!

hehehe I love this face!

Working on holding her head up! She is so proud!

Nom nom nom! She loves those hands!

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