Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Monday, June 24, 2013

June!! Part 1

Summer is here! Woo hoo!  This summer we will just be travelin' fools!  Callie and I took a trip to Texas for a few weeks where she was constantly spoiled by everyone she saw.  Callie also had the pleasure of being in my cousin Jordan's wedding!  Katie made sure to spoil her on that day too.  Well, the wedding was on her 3rd birthday so it was just an extra special day!  Callie was the flower girl in the wedding and did a great job!  That is one of the most nerve racking things in the whole world... watching your 3 year old (to the day) stand up on stage for an entire wedding.  I was not sure how she would do but she did great!  She may have dropped her flower girl basket down the steps... twice... and said Opps!  But she will still and quiet for the most part.  The scariest part of the ordeal was when the adorable ring bearer (who was 2) started going down the steps and collecting the flowers that Callie had so purposefully placed in the aisle.  I was ready for a 5 alarm meltdown... but she kept her cool and just looked very, very concerned and even said a quiet "Hey! Those are my flowers!"  My heart was racing... just a little bit... haha.  The wedding was beautiful and I couldn't be more happy for Jordan and Katie!  At the reception they even played the Happy Birthday song for Callie and she got her very own princess cake.  I'm pretty certain that she thought the whole entire day was about her.  So this wedding, coupled with 2 full weeks with Grandparents who both have Ipads with them at all times... made for a very difficult transition back to the real world.  It was a rough couple of days when we got to Alabama.  Matt is at a training here in Alabama until mid July so Callie and I flew out here to be with him!  I love the south.  I miss it so much and can't wait to return.  The plane rides went really well this time.  She is finally old enough to get through the whole flight without any issues. Yay!  At least when I have this new little girl, Callie should be a good traveler!!  Speaking of this new little girl... she is half way done cooking!  I can't believe I am at 20 weeks already!! WOW!  She is rolling around and kicking and moving all the time!  Matt even felt her kick from the outside!  I love this part of pregnancy! :)  Well, I don't have many pictures from all of these events because my Mom has them on her camera... but I will get those soon and post them.  Here are a few that I managed to get on my camera! 
Have a great and blessed week!
 Callie and her Aunt Lindsey at Memaw's garden!

 They love each other!

 Very proud of the onion that she just pulled!

 A little windy, but a cute picture!

 Exploring with Aunt Lindsey!

 My Memaw has such a beautiful piece of land!

 I am obviously fascinated by the color green... I don't see it much folks.

 More of God's beautiful creation!

 I spy a butterfly!

 There it is!

 I have so many great memories of Memaw and PawPaw's!

 Here are a few from Callie's 3rd Birthday Party!  

 The kids were all coloring!

 Serious business!

 Making strawberry jam with Grandma!

 Helping press the button.

 She loved it.

Such a sweet little helper!!!

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