Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Arizona Trip!!

In September we were able to meet up with Matt's parents in Phoenix, Arizona for Nana's Birthday.  Nana is Matt's grandma (Marty's mom).  We had such a great time!  It had been so long since we had seen Nana last!  It was at our wedding... 6 years ago!  Nana turned 85 on her birthday and as a surprise Marty, Debbie, Matt, Callie, Chile and I showed up at her party!  She had no idea that we were coming so she was quite surprised!  She was happy to meet Callie and Callie was happy to finally meet her!  They had a great time together!  Nana even let Callie help her blow out her birthday candles.

Callie really enjoyed the whole trip!  Her favorite parts were going to Nana's church on Sunday and the hotel in general.  She loves staying in hotels.  I guess that makes sense because I used to love it as a kid too!  I remember that every time we stayed in a hotel as a family we would get in the room and the first thing that Dad, Lindsey and I would do is jump on the beds.  Haha! I bet you can guess who came up with that idea... no, not the children... my Dad!  I love how spontaneous and fun he was! I sure miss him a lot.  Fond memories...  Now all i think about when I stay in a hotel is germs... hahahaha.  Callie was spoiled rotten on this trip.  She's a lucky girl to have such wonderful Grandparents.  I think she thought it was HER birthday... haha.  She got several presents and even got to go to Chuck E Cheese!  She always loves that.  We were also able to find a local park to go and play at.  I must say, I'm a little jealous of Phoenix.  That actually have real trees and grass.  I guess we have real trees... they are just real small!!!

It was lovely getting to meet Marty's side of the family.  I had never met any of these people, besides Nana, and I feel blessed to have gotten to know them.  They were all so friendly and welcoming.  Hopefully we will get to visit them some more while we are stationed here.  It was only a 5 hour drive or so!

Well here are the pictures from our wonderful trip!  I'm so glad it worked out that we were able to go. We love Nana and we are so thrilled that we got to see her.

Callie and Grandpa reading a story!
At the park!  Of course she would want to climb that... haha!
Nana's 85th Birthday!
They had a great time!
I thought this pic was funny, notice how much Callie is cooperating... and also pulling my hair... haha
Trying to get a picture with Nana! Cute!
Marty, Nana and Debbie.
Matt with his cousin Stephen.
The bestest puppy in the world.... CHILE!
More pictures at the park.  Look at this tree! I wish we had trees like this!!!
A good one of Marty and Matt.
Grandma joined in on the fun!
My sweetie.
Aw! Her smile!!!!
Yea, these are out of order... but again Nana's Birthday!
Nana looking at her photo album of Callie!
Precious! Can you believe Nana turned 85! She looks amazing!!!
Chuck E Cheese. 
Callie was listening to the "band".

She enjoyed being spoiled on this trip!

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