Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Callie starts Kindergarten!

Even though she'll always be my baby, she sure had a big milestone this week!  Callie started Kindergarten!  She couldn't have been more excited about it.  She did tell me that she was a little bit nervous, but I told her that it was totally normal and ok to feel nervous about starting something new.  She was all smiles on the big day!  I will say was a bit of a shock to her system to wake up at 6:50.  We just don't do that here at the Rowan house unless we have to.  She was eager to get dressed and was very concerned about being late, even though I tried to reassure her by telling her that we had plenty of time. Haha... I guess she's used to me saying "we're late"!  She wanted cereal for her first day with a banana.  She even had time to watch one cartoon!  
Fortunately, Matt was able to come with me to take her to her first day!  We have an awesome neighbor who watched Miss Hailey for us so that we could focus on Callie's big day. This school district releases the list of classes on the Friday before school, so we had a Kindergarten Orientation in her class on the first day.  We were able to walk her to her class for the first day and see where she will sit.  She felt right at home!  Her teacher is Mrs. Berglund.  She has been teaching for over 20 years and seemed really nice and organized.  At the end of orientation we all walked outside where she showed us where to pick the kids up after school.  We then said our tearful goodbyes (well lets be honest, I was the only tearful one) haha.  We then watched her walk with her class back into the school. That was the hardest part of the day for me.  It pulled at my heart strings!  Thank goodness it was sunny and I had my sunglasses! I wasn't the only Mama feeling the same way that morning.
I went and picked up Hailey and Matt went to work.  I met several of my friends with Kindergartners at Starbucks for a morning treat.  That was fun and helped us get our minds off of what just happened.  After that Hailey and I had a great day together just hanging out around the house!  I'm trying to get Hailey to nap a little earlier than normal and she didn't really get a good nap.  It took her a long time to fall asleep and she finally fell asleep about 30 minutes before it was time to pick Callie up. So I woke Hailey up and we went to go get big sister!  Her school day is 7:50-2:00.
When I picked Callie up she was excited to see me! She told me that she loves her teacher and her new class!  She told me that they had recess and they ate lunch in the cafeteria.  She seemed really excited about that.  She also said that she made new friends and loved playing in centers! She said that after 1st recess she accidentally got in the wrong line.  Luckily, they all wear name tags on the first week so her teacher could easily spot her. She said they had circle time and story time and sang a fun goodbye song at the end of the day.  She had nothing but good things to say about her day and her teacher! As we were about to leave I was making sure she had all of her stuff and sure enough the lunchbox was missing.  She told me she left it in the cafeteria, so we checked the lost and found and it was in there.  Haha... already at the lost and found on the first day of school!  
All in all I would say her first day was a huge success!  She was a happy camper and was excited to go back the next day.  I'm thanking God for a smooth day and a sweet little girl who is growing up so super fast!  Hope you enjoy the pics!

At home before her first day!

My sweetie! All ready to get in the car to go to school!

Callie and one of her best buds! They are so sweet together!

Callie and her other best bud!

Callie sitting at her table!  She has all girls at her table.  

Callie and Daddy.

My love!

She's got her box and crayons all ready to go!

Oh how I love these two.

Smooches for Daddy!

A teary eyed hug from Momma! I won't lie I got teary eyed looking at these!