Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Monday, April 21, 2014


I absolutely love this time of year!  We actually have a few months of nice weather! It is already starting to feel like summer though! BOO!  The girls are doing really great!  They both really enjoyed our visit to Texas!  We spent two weeks in Texas and got to see a lot of our family!  It was truly wonderful and I am so thankful that we were able to see so many of the people that we love so dearly. Both girls did great on the plane!  Hailey didn't cry at all!  I was one happy Momma about that! Callie is a great traveler now. She can stay entertained by all of the things we pack for her.  What did people do before DVD players? Haha!
We started out the week at Marty and Debbie's house.  We really enjoyed our time with them and loved getting to met our precious, sweet nephew Jackson!  He is absolutely adorable!!! Hailey and Jackson have different personalities!  Jackson reminds me more of Callie as a baby and Hailey is just such an observer.  She sits quietly and tries to take it all in!  It was so fun to watch them together.  Hailey was very amused by her cousin and loved him very much.  Callie loved sweet little Jackson too!  She even got to hold him! She was thrilled about that.  We really loved getting to spend some good time with Lindsay and Steven!  It was so fun hanging out with them- we can't wait to be closer.  We had a lot of good times!  In true Texas style we also were there for a storm.  Matt was in heaven... and I was a scardy cat.  I like storms as long as there is not mention of tornadoes!  Luckliy it passed and was no big deal... but I must say that being away from all of that weather has made me a chicken!  While at Marty and Debbie's we went to Chuck E Cheese, the park, The Rainforest Cafe, and even had a family reunion.  (Well it seemed like it because almost everyone was there!) It was awesome to have everyone together!  It felt like Christmas! Callie also got to spend some time with Ashlyn! They had a great time playing together. Grandma and Papa also babysat for us so that we could get together with our high school friends!  It was awesome to have the whole group back together again.  We went to Joe T Garcias and had a blast!
Then after that week was over we went over to Mom's for the week.  We started out on Sunday with a good visit with MeMaw, Tony, Gary and Roger!  It was so nice of them to drive down from Oklahoma to see us.  Hailey had a blast meeting more family members.  We had a good lunch together and just visited for most of the day!  Then the next day we drove to Paris, TX to visit with Granny, Papa, Doug and Blydna!  We had such a great time there.  The girls were just spoiled rotten with all the presents they got! We got to see Granny and Papa's new house and it was beautiful!  The trees surrounding the house were beautiful and everything was so nice.  Callie got to bake cookies with Granny, which she loved of course!  Hailey did not get put down once while we were there... Haha!  My girls are so blessed to have such a wonderful family that loves them so much. Thanks again for having us in your home- and also for letting all the dogs come too.
After the Paris adventure we drove back to Mom's.  That night Mom babysat so that Lindsey, Ryan, Jordan, Katie and Matt and I could all go out to dinner together!  I was so glad that we got to see Katie and Jordan!  It's so nice that they live closer now!  The rest of the week we had lots of fun with Mimi!  We even went to the zoo!  Callie also had a play date at the park with her friend Autumn!  After the park we were able to see Great Aunt Judi!  She spoiled the girls with treats and we had a really good visit!
So all in all, we had a wonderful time in Texas and we can't wait to move back someday! It will be so nice to be close to all of our family again.  The trees and grass will also be an added bonus!  I also love the way Callie's hair curls up in Texas with the humidity!
 Hailey is sleeping well at night and is back on her normal schedule!  She is growing, growing and has new rolls everyday! haha...  She is about 16 pounds now! We still haven't started solid foods yet but I'm sure it wont be long now! Callie continues to practice her reading and writing.  She loves to learn and asks for homework. Haha! Well, here are the pictures! WARNING: there are a lot of them... hehe

 Us girls with MeMaw

 The boys.

 I think MeMaw was proud of little Miss Hailey!

 Hailey holding onto MeMaw's finger!

 Aunt Lindsey and Callie!

Sleepy stories with Mimi! 

Cookies with Granny!! 

Special memories in the making! 

Family time! 

So sweet!!


My children are SO lucky to have these two!!! 

My sweet family minus Chile boy! 

Aunt B loves Miss Hailey!! 

We love Aunt B too!!

Some of my most favorite people!!!


Aunt B love! 

Thank you!!!

Callie loves her new dress!


 Ryan and his son Chito!

At the zoo Callie got to pet a snake!

 And sit on a lizard...

 ...and ride a carousel...

 ...and meet a kangaroo...

Happy Hailey!! 

...and pose next to a recycling container?

Riding on Daddy's shoulders. 


 Family photo at the end of the day!

Us girls!! 

Mimi and her babies! 

Aunt Lindsay and Jackson met us there! Yay! 

 I love this sweetie!

On the last night in TX we went over to Lindsey and Ryan's for dinner! Hannah came too! So happy she got to meet Hailey.  It was nice to chat with her. :)