Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

My sweet 3 month old!

Happy February everyone!

The Rowans have been a busy crew lately!  We are still all enjoying  little Miss Hailey!  She is just a sweetheart!  Hailey will be 3 months old tomorrow and I just can't believe it!  It really is going by much faster the second time around.  Well let me tell you about little Miss Hailey at three months... she weighs about 13.5 lbs and is wearing 3 month clothing.  We are trying to get her to stay in size one diapers until we finish off what we have left and then she will be in twos!  How is that possible?!  She eats about every 2-3 hours and still refuses to take a pacifier!  She just doesn't care for it at all.  She much prefers her sweet little hand or thumb.  Hailey is sleeping in a bassinet next to our bed and is doing wonderfully!  She sleeps from about 11-5 or 6!  That is a great stretch and makes for one well rested, and happy Mama!  She will go back to sleep after that until her adorable big sister comes in and wakes us all up.  Haha! She takes several cat naps throughout the day and usually 2-3 solid naps.  She loves to smile at just about everyone and is starting to figure out that she has a sweet voice!  We all love hearing her "baby talk" as Callie calls it.  With the discovery of her voice, she is also experimenting with the volume of her cries. Yes, they are getting louder these days. But really, its no big deal because this girl just doesn't cry very much at all.  Usually its because she's tired and needs to fall asleep!  Hailey is working on tummy time.  I haven't been putting her on her tummy much, so I am trying to make it a point to give her some tummy time each day.  She tolerates it for about 5-10 minutes.  She is getting stronger everyday and can hold her head up on her tummy *when she wants to. Haha!  Her head control is really good now when we are holding her.  She has very few bobbles! I am in no rush for this little girl to grow up, but she insists on doing it anyway!
Big sister Callie is doing well also!  She also insists on growing up way too fast.  She is quickly outgrowing many of her 4T shirts!  There is only one more T size before she moves up to the big girl section!  Yikes!  I'm just not ready for this!  And then there is Kindergarten staring me right in the face! Well at least I still have a little time before that.  Callie is learning so much these days.  She can count to 100 by ones and tens and knows all of her letters and sounds.  She is reading simple words and loves "learning time".  She begs for me to get her workbooks out.  Haha! We will see how long that lasts! She loves to paint and glue and anything that involves glitter.  She is still all about the Disney Princesses.  She's my girlie girl!  Can't wait to see what Hailey likes!
In other news, we found out that we will be moving sometime in May or June.  God has blessed us so much and we are very thankful that Matt will be going to Test Pilot School!  He starts in July!  We have had the Realtors over to start the process for selling our home.  We will live on base when we move so we don't have to worry about housing which is kind of nice.  It's out in the middle of nowhere California, but we are actually looking forward to a small town life.  I know it will be wonderful to have such a close knit community on base, but we sure will miss all of our dear friends that we have made here.  We will miss our church like crazy too.  But we are trusting God that he knows what is best for us and we are excited to take the adventure as a family of four.  The year of training that Matt will do is very intense.  He will have a Masters Degree in Test Flight Engineering after he is done.  It's a very accelerated course but I just have to remember that it is only for a year!  Also, because Matt got accepted into TPS, he can no longer go on his deployment that was scheduled for the end of April.  Darn  ;)! Praise the Lord for that!!!!
Well enough of me talking... here are some pictures of my babies!

 My sweet big girl!


 While we were at the park we got to see some cool sky writing!  Love!

 Sweet Daddy snuggles!

 Hailey didn't seem to care that we were at the park!

 Callie on a snake!

 Hailey snoozing... notice the thumb?

 Beautiful baby!

 Is that a cute smile or what?


 Tummy time!

 MUST you take pictures of this Mom?

 My sweet little Hailey's hand!

 A good one of my sweet boy!

 Here is Callie "nursing" her baby Chloe.  Hehehe!

 Sweetness!  Again with the thumb!

 Are you noticing a trend here?



 Such a sweet little face!

 Sweet sisters in matching tights!  Thanks for the adorable outfits Aunt B!

 Mommy and Hailey snuggles.

 As much as Chile loves being under blankets, I think this is the first time he was brave enough to sit in Callie's lap.  She was thrilled!  Chile... well he was nervous.  Haha!

 Hailey's first try in the bumbo chair!

 BEAUTIFUL sunset!  We don't get these often!  The colors were so bright that you could see them in the house!

 Thank you God for this beautiful sunset!

 Hailey's first time in the exersaucer.  She had tons of blankets stuffed around her.  She is still a bit too small, but she really enjoyed looking at all of the toys!

 Callie went to a good friend's birthday party and look what she got?  She was thrilled!  She even chewed the gum inside like a big girl and then spit it out in the trash when she was done! That's a first!

 I'm in love!

 She was so proud of herself! I was too!

Callie holding baby sister! (Notice they are both smiling AND looking at the camera! WIN!)

And lastly, I will leave you with this.  It's just too funny for words.