Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014


What a wonderful holiday season it was!  It was awesome to celebrate our Savior's birth with a new family member!  Hailey slept through almost all of the festivities...but she sure looked cute doing it!  We spent Christmas here at home and it was wonderful!  We had several friends come over on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day so that was fun.  We really enjoyed going to our Church's Christmas Eve service.  Callie was very excited to be able to go to "big church".  She did pretty good overall. She got really antsy towards the end.  But she stayed pretty quiet!  This year we also went to the Speedway to look at Christmas lights.  We went to Starbucks on the way to get hot chocolate.  Callie loved getting her own Starbucks.  Haha!  She loved seeing all of the lights.  It was so cute to see her expressions!  Hailey also enjoyed riding in the car.  I don't think she saw any lights because she was asleep the whole time! Ha... maybe next year!
Well I don't have much time to write so I will just post the pictures!  Sorry... these are random and not in order! I just wanted to hurry and post them while I had a minute to do it!  Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and I pray for a very blessed 2014 for you all!
Love, Erin
 So this is random but I had to include it.  Callie found Mimi's eye shadow while she was here! BUSTED!

 An earlier pic of Hailey, but it is one of her first smiles!

 Sweet, sweet Hailey.

 Tummy time!

 Sweet, sweet baby cheeks!

 Eyes open!

 Hailey all dressed up for Daddy's work Christmas party!

 Baby belly!!

 Silly face!

 This girl loves taking baths!  She even loved her first one!

 Sweet sisters!

 She's out!

 This is at the Speedway where we went to see the lights!

 Callie loves her baths too!

 2013 Santa pic!  Both girls even looked at the camera!!

 Callie painting on her easel she got from Grandma and Papa!

 All smiles!

 Chile on Christmas morning coming down the stairs!

 Matt and Hailey on Christmas morning!


 She was excited!

 Thrilled about her new "Ariel movie"!

 Ahhh... the excitement!

 So happy!

 Callie's new Ariel doll.

 A pretty happy girl!

 Hailey checkin out her loot!

 I love the joy on her face!

 Playing with her new Frozen dolls!

 This is what Hailey looked like all of Christmas morning! ZZZZZZ

 Looking at Daddy!

 Callie entertaining little sister!

 Such a sweet big sister!

Hailey loves to look at books!  She fell asleep after about 5 minutes!