Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Hello!  I know its been a while... but I have just had a lot going lately!  Also, a certain little 3 year old has been keeping me running around nonstop :).  I have been really bad about using my camera.  I know I'll be using it like crazy soon when Miss Hailey joins us!  But I really have got to get better about using it so that I have enough pictures of this part of our life.  August was a pretty great month!  This summer has been a crazy one with the weather.  We have been enjoying the clouds and rain that usually stay far, far away!  On August 19th Matt and I celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary! WOW... 7 years has gone by in a flash!  Some of our good friends babysat Callie so that we could go out to dinner and just have a nice quiet date night.  We didn't really do anything too fancy, but we just enjoyed being out in public without the drama that comes along with three year olds.  Ha!  God has really blessed Matt and I over the last 7 years and we have both grown a lot.  He is such a great guy and I wouldn't trade him.  I am so thankful that God put us together.  It seems crazy that I was only 14 at the time, but hey, God had a plan!
Hailey is growing healthy and strong.  She likes to move around and kick like crazy!  I have also been having tons and tons of Braxton Hicks contractions.  Those aren't always fun, but they've been around since about week 15!  It's become part of my "normal"... but as she gets bigger and bigger they are starting to become more uncomfortable.  A couple of weeks ago I went in for one of my appointments and it was the one where they give you the glucose test to screen for gestational diabetes.  Well I failed the 1 hour test and my blood sugar was just barely above the normal cutoff.  So they had me come back for a more conclusive 3 hour test a few days later.  For the three hour test you have to fast for 12 hours and then they take your blood.  Then they provide a "wonderful" sugary drink that you must consume in less than five minutes.  We are talking KoolAid on steroids.  Nasty, nasty stuff.  Then they take blood samples every hour for three hours.  Not the most exciting thing in the world.   Well I was doing pretty good until right after the second of four blood draws.  I was in the waiting room and started to feel sweaty and light headed.  The receptionist asked if I needed a cold pack and I said I think so.  Next thing I knew I was waking up laying flat on the floor with about 5 frightened looking people standing over me.  I just fainted right out of my chair.  It was a weird experience.  But whats funny is that I felt much better after that!  It's like my body reset itself.  They immediately took me to the back and did an ultrasound to confirm that Hailey was doing just fine.  The only evidence of the fall were the bruises on my face.  They told me the test was over and that they would test what they had and let me know what the next move was.   After all of the commotion my doctor came to the conclusion that I don't have gestational diabetes and that the reason I fainted was because I was hypoglycemic.  So it's good to know that my body did make the insulin it needed... just a little too much!  Yay for not having to change my diet!!  So yea, I'm hoping that's the only drama that this pregnancy has!
I can't believe how big my sweet little baby Callie is getting.  She is a fun little girl!  A handful at times, but I just love her to pieces.  She is getting so smart.  She can read almost 10 sight words, knows all of her letters and sounds, can read most three letter at family words and ap words.  This girl loves to learn!  We have a designated learning time almost everyday and she just loves it!  We are working on using scissors and holding a pencil correctly.  Those seem to be tough, but it's getting better everyday!  She is also doing a great job with counting and adding.  I'm just so proud of her! :)  I can't believe she is getting close to Kindergarten! Yikes!!!  Callie can't wait for baby Hailey to get here!  She knows that she will be here in November and reminds just about everyone she sees! Can't wait for my sweetie to be a big sister! :)  I will leave you with a funny Callie quote.  We were at Target and she was a mess... I told her she was about to drive me bananas to which she quickly replied "Mommy, you're about to drive me grapes"!  How do you not laugh at that?!
 Well here are a few pictures from my phone!
God Bless!
Callie enjoying some fruit on a nice summer day!
 Callie at Starbucks... don't get too excited she just had water ha!
 My sweetie!
Callie after church!  Nothin' like a Sunday nap!
 This is going in Callie's new big girl room!  It's princess themed!
Callie modeling her new nightgown that Mimi brought her back from her New York City trip!  She loves it!
 I took this picture to document that Callie tries to cheat at Candy Land just like her Daddy used to when he was a kid.  They both like the idea of spreading the cards out in the lid of the box... Matt actually had bent the good cards but Callie just has them face up.  Hahah!  She was playing Candy Land by herself for a while and when I went over there this is what I saw.

Callie pretending to be a puppy! Cutest puppy I've ever seen! (Besides Chile of course)

 27 weeks!
 28 weeks!  Getting BIG!!!
Callie swimming and eating a Popsicle!

30 weeks! 
This is the beginning of decorating Hailey's nursery.  It's going to be a Secret Garden theme.  

 Still have a lot to do! But hey, its a start!  This birdcage will be painted a cream color!