Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Random from my phone! Summer 2013

Hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July! We sure did!  We were able to go to the beach for 4 nights! Woo Hoo!! Well I decided to get some pictures off of my phone from this summer and post them for you!  Hope you enjoy!!

 This is Lindsay (Matt's sister) and I! Both pregnant together!  I am 18 weeks and Lindsay is 22 ish?  Love it!
 One week later! 
 Mom and I at the Ranger game... they lost... but it was still fun!
 Here is Callie at the hotel after the rehearsal for Katie and Jordan's wedding!
 Callie all fancied up for the wedding!
 Her first "up do" :)
 Lindsey and Uncle Gilbert at the wedding... I mean Ryan.

 Callie being sung to by the Mariachi Band at Joe T Garcias! 
 Callie playing at the airport waiting for our plane to take off. This was so awesome!!
 At the apartment park.
 Chillin by the pool.
 One of Callie's many masterpieces...
 So this one is totally random but one of my best friends from high school sent this to my phone the other day.  This was from high school.  I think it was the ice cream social where we taught our parents some of the basics of marching band. Classic.  Love it!!!!
 Callie's drawing of our family. I asked her about the blob on me and she said "that's my sister"!
 Morning out with Mommy at Cracker Barrel!

Our awesome view from the our condo for our beach vacation with Matt's parents.

This girl loves the beach!
Our condo.

I love these two soo soo much!!
Marty and Matt dug a hole... in fact most of the men on the beach were digging holes... anyway it was pretty cool! Callie loved it!
Callie and Debbie!

 On the 4th.  Callie was a little tired... so tired that she fell asleep coloring.
 Matt and I at the fireworks display!
Our family of five. (Minus Chile... he counts too)

Callie's expression while watching the fireworks! 


22 weeks!
Sand fun!

 I finally had my 20 week ultrasound today.  It was confirmed that this sweetie is a girl and she looked great!!
 Her precious feet! Oh and by the way she was a wiggle worm the whole time!  The ultrasound tech told me "Good luck" hahahaha.  Oh brother!
Girl all the way!

Here is a video of Callie jumping in the water! She loves the pool!