Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Sunday, October 28, 2012

More Pictures from Mimi's visit in August!

I am just really behind, but I thought I would try to catch up!  So these are just some pictures from when my Mom was here in Las Vegas.  We went to Disneyland for 2 days and then came back to Vegas for the rest of her trip.  We had so much fun going to Child's Play and just hanging out around the house. Child's Play is an indoor playroom that is really close to our house.  It's so perfect for summer and bad weather days!  Its air conditioned fun!  We didn't do  many outdoor activities because it was still sooo hot!  Hope you enjoy these pictures!  Have a great week!

 Callie getting ready to slide at Child's Play!
 Sliding again on a different day at Child's Play!
 Hanging from the bar! 

 Happy little girlie!
 This is what Child's Play looks like.

Making friends!

 Back at home playing with Mimi!
Hahahaha! Love their silly faces!


Thursday, October 25, 2012


Yes... I know this post is LONG overdue... I have been neglecting the blog... time to try to catch up! :)

We finally got around to taking our sweetie to Disneyland for the first time! We quickly learned that it's not a good idea to leave Las Vegas on a Sunday.... the traffic was awful.  Apparently it is always like that on Sundays because everyone from LA that comes for the weekend is driving back on Sunday.  We sat in stop and go traffic for half of the time.  A 4 hour trip took over 7. Lesson learned. Oh and potty training was a disaster... there is only one major town to stop at along the way... so I put her in a pull up.  This whole trip was bad with potty training... but she picked it up pretty quick after we got home.
Disneyland was having a military special that expired in September so we figured we should go while the tickets were "cheap". Haha... The best part of all was that my Mom was there to experience it too!  It was Mom's first time at a Disney park!  I think she had a great time, but I told her it's a lot different when you can ride other rides besides Dumbo the Elephant... haha.  Matt and I had only been to Disney World previously, so of course we thought it was a little less exciting.  Disneyland is much smaller but I will say that it is better for young toddlers.  I think Disney World would still be overwhelming for Callie!
Callie was and still is in love with everything Disney.  She now loves Mickey and Minnie Mouse! I don't think that she even knew who they were before the trip!  She absolutely loved seeing all of the princesses in the park.  She was already a huge Cinderella fan, so she was quite excited to see her in the parade!  Callie likes all of the characters, but she didn't really want to meet them.  In fact she was very unsure about it each time and I had to hold her when we met Minnie and Goofy.
Callie's favorite part of our trip (besides the Hotel.. haha) was the Dumbo ride, the Rocket Ship ride, the Teacups and the carousel.  We rode a lot of the same things over and over.  There were other "kid friendly" rides, but many of them were too scary for her.  She did like the submarine Finding Nemo ride, but most of the others we tried she did not.  She constantly wanted to ride the four rides listed above... hah!  Poor Matt... his adventurous side had to be put on hold...  I reminded him that it wont be long until she wants to ride the same rides that he does! Haha!  The weather was nice and we all had a great time.  Callie was pretty much a machine... and did not nap at all.  She wouldn't nap on the 7 hour drive to LA and still managed to stay up to watch the fireworks.  We didn't get in bed until 12:30!  I don't know how she did it!  Finally on the last day she was almost dozing off in her stroller at the park.  Almost every other child we saw was sleeping... but not Callie!
Well here are the pictures from Disney!  Enjoy and have a blessed week!
 Family photo! (minus poor Chile)
 Playing on the slide!
 Pure joy.  I think she wishes she lived at Disneyland.
 Group photo! (Notice Callie's unsure face)
 Touring Minnie's awesome house.
 Callie sitting at Minnie's table!
 On the teacups! This girl loves thrill rides!  She wanted to spin as fast as we did!  At least there was some thrill for Matt haha.
 Mom and Matt having fun waiting in line... haha
 Mom and Callie about to enter the Alice and Wonderland ride... Callie was not a fan.
 Sweet kisses from Daddy!
 Her most favorite ride of all time ever!!!!
 Patiently.... ahem.... waiting for the Dumbo ride!
 Callie and Mimi!
 So much fun!
 Wooo Hoo!!!!
 Carousel time!
 This was the start of the Parade!  Callie loves Minnie!

 This is Callie's "I'm having so much fun but this no sleep thing is really catching up with me" face.
 These pictures are out of order, but this was from our first evening there! She was so excited!

 Silly Daddy!
 Waiting to ride the teacups! Again!
 This is one of my favorite pictures! I think it captures how much fun she had!  
 Callie and Mommy!
 More fun on the carousel
 Aw yay! She smiled!