Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Operation Potty Training!

The time has come!  My sweet little "baby" is ready to bid her diapers fare well.  She is ready, and probably has been ready for a month or so, but Mama wasn't quite ready until now.  I was actually kind of terrified of the whole process given Callie's strong willed nature. Also, it's slightly sad that my girlie is growing up so fast. I finally decided that it was time whether I was ready or not!  In all actuality, I am ready to be done with the diapers/pull-ups!
Well we started on Saturday evening.  Of course I was all excited because I couldn't wait to see Callie in her new "big girl panties".  I bought the thick training underwear that had girlie designs on them.  9 pair.  That should be enough right?  Well, maybe not.  I think between 3:30-8pm the girl had 11 accidents.  Yes, I had to wash her cute little training panties in a 4 hour and 30 minute span.  The good part of that day was that I could see some progress throughout the night.  Towards 6 or 7, she would start having an accident and then say "oh no oh no"!  So she would stop and then finish her business on the potty.  So even though she had tons of accidents I felt good about it.
Well the next day was Sunday.  After the night that we had there was no way that I was going to put her Sunday school teachers through that... so Callie wore a pull-up with her big girl panties on top.  Her teachers said that she tried to use the potty a few times but didn't ever go.  So she used her pull-up instead!  On Sunday evening I was shocked!  She only had 2 accidents!  Woo hoo!
Monday was a great day for potty training too!  She started telling me before she went that she needed to go and only had 2 accidents all day.  Tuesday she had 4 accidents... and Wednesday she had 9.  Yes, 9.  I was slightly discouraged.  But I know that this takes time.  So I woke up this morning hoping that we would have a number less than 9.  A lot less!  Callie found some Dora underwear that I bought for her to wear once she got the hang of potty training.  She wanted to wear them of course, so I let her.  Not 1 accident all day long! I was sooooo happy! :)  I know that some days will be good and others not so good, but I was sure happy about how things went today!  Hopefully she's getting the hang of it, because in a few weeks we are going to Disneyland for a weekend.  Mom gets to come with us! I'm so excited about it.  It will be a lot better if she's pretty well potty trained!  Callie is actually excited too!  All she knows is that she gets to see Cinderella, her castle and Minnie Mouse! :)
Well this post was very long, but its been a long week! Love to you all and God bless you!
I took these tonight.  Yes those are her pink training panties on her head.  Haha she loves hats.  I wish these weren't blurry but she was going at lightning speed... haha!  She looks so big! :)