Blog Description

Welcome to the Rowan Family Blog! I finally gave in and decided to make one so that it would be easier for family and friends to keep up with little Miss Callie and now little Miss Hailey! I hope to keep a good record of the happenings in their lives and the joys that come with being a family. God has truly blessed us with our girls and we are so excited to be parents to them and Chile!

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Grandma and Grandpa visit/Halloween!

Grandma and Grandpa came to visit and we had a blast! Callie really enjoyed being spoiled for a few days. In fact, it took a few days to get used to plain old Mom and Dad... haha! Callie really loved spending time with her Grandparents! We picked them up from the airport on Thursday and they stayed until early Monday morning. Right when we got home Grandma and Grandpa gave Callie her Halloween presents. She got her cute Halloween costume, a Dora doll that sings, Dora crocs, a new outfit and new Dora Pjs. She also got some Halloween books and a bingo game that she and Grandma played. She was happy to say the least. While they were here we went to the park, The Rainforest Cafe, saw the Lion exhibit at the MGM casino, had a picnic up at Mt. Charleston, went to a Trunk or Treat Halloween Carnival at our church and shopping of course! Callie's favorite activities were all of the outside ones. She LOVES to be outside. Callie started saying "okay" while her Grandparents were here! Its too cute! It sounds more like "ah-tay". Callie dressed up at a leopard kitty cat for Halloween. She looked too cute! I did let her have some M&M's from her Halloween candy and she liked them very much! While Callie was sad to see Grandma and Grandpa go, it will only be 3 months until we see them in Texas for Lindsey's wedding!

My sweet little girl is growing up fast and I am having a blast watching her! She is so much fun, and gives the sweetest voluntary hugs and kisses now. Another sweet thing is that she says "amen" after we pray! Its really sweet. Callie is also starting to show interest in letters and sounds. She knows the letter C, P, and T. If I point to the letter she will say the sound! She almost has D down as well! I can't believe it! I thank God for my family everyday and I truly feel blessed! Well here are the pictures from Grandma and Grandpa's visit! Hope you enjoy, much love!

Callie and Grandpa at the Rainforest Cafe!

This girl loves to swing can you tell? Callie getting her face painted for the very first time!!
Patiently waiting for some candy!
We took this pic in front of the Candy Land display because Matt used to love the game Candy Land... well... he loved cheating by folding the cards so that he could win... haha.

Finished product from face painting... shes starting to get tired!
This candy is all for me?!
Grandma and Grandpa at the Halloween Carnival!
My sweet family.
Grandma and Callie throwing the Frisbee.
A stick!
Grandma and Callie at Mt. Charleston.
So pretty up there.
See-saw fun!
Cutie pie!
Look Grandpa!
Aw! Great picture at the Rainforest Cafe!
Callie LOVES apple juice.